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Journalistjour-nal-ist - noun
  1. A person engaged in journalism; especially: a writer or editor for a news medium who aims at a mass audience
  2. A person who seeks sources or experts to interview when preparing a show segment, article, or other news piece

How it Works | Your Virtual Intern

If you're a Journalist, PitchRate is your virtual intern. It saves you time, keeps you organized, and on schedule. PitchRate is the place to access to top experts that will make the difference to your story and help you meet your deadline.

PitchRate even lets you make requests on weekends and holidays when everything else is closed.

Found your source? Simply close your request early.

Don't want your pitches emailed? Turn off the email function and view pitches online, keeping your inbox clutter-free.

Don't have time to read pitches that aren't quite the right fit? PitchRate rates the pitches and presents you with the most topical pitches first.

Forgot to specify something in your request? Edit it, and recalculate the pitch rating automatically.

Could finding a quality source be any easier?

Sign up!

All we need is your name and email address. No worries, your information won't be shared with anyone.

Make a cloaked request.
Share your story needs.

Experts respond.
Review only the best pitches.
Make your job easier by
  1. View only the pitches with the highest rankings.
  2. Second thoughts on what you need? Edit your request and the system will re-calculate all the pitch ratings. Contact your preferred sources by phone or email.
Turn off your request...
Reduce email clutter by removing your request when you've found the perfect source. You can even turn off the email function and choose to review pitches only when logging into your account.

Sign up today using the form on the right!
Create an account as a Journalist
Use this form if you are a journalist and want to be able to submit requests and receive pitches. Sign up for free!

Journalists! Please note that the information you submit during sign-up and through "Requests" will not be shared with experts. You will remain cloaked until you initiate contact with specific experts.

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