02/22/2022 05:15pm
Congratulations on your new home purchase! This is a very exciting time that I remember very vividly. You are bound to want to renovate portions of the home, and you will find yourself needing to do maintenance and repairs. We have compiled a list of a few tools that we feel will help you navigate those initial home improvements, DIY projects, and repairs. Safety Please make sure you seek guidance and training using the tools listed here, or that you see elsewhere while shopping. If you are not comfortable working in/around certain...
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02/22/2022 05:04pm
How to Research the History of a House Nowadays most people like to be informed. Buying a house is a nerve-wracking time, and you want to make sure you know everything about your future home as possible. At the end of the day, this is why you find need that Top Notch Home Inspector (and why youre here at Red Flag Home Inspection). So, you have your sights on a house and you are taking a deeper dive into the history of the house. Here are some resources that can help you along in that journey.1. ...
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10/27/2021 12:05pm
Holiday gift giving has changed quite a bit over the last few years, people have less money to spend and consumers are much more aware of the impact their purchases have on both the environment and society. Let's face it there are a heck of a lot of holidays to consider including Christmas, birthdays, secretary day, anniversaries, and Valentines. Gift giving doesn't end there - when we are invited to a dinner, for instance, we often feel compelled to bring a long a gift. The collective impact of these special days and events can be huge. Christmas alone is responsible...
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10/26/2021 12:31pm
One of our favourite harvests is winter squash with its many varieties of colours, flavours, shapes and sizes. Butternut, acorn, hubbard, delicata, kobacha, sweet dumpling, turban, spaghetti and butternut varieties tend to be the most commonly available. However there are literally hundreds of different varieties of winter squash out there in the world to experience. With all that variety is hard to get tired of using them for making some really good food recipes. Sadly, winter squash vines can reach 20' in length, and therefore most backyard gardens cannot host the plants. Savvy gardeners will try growing squash up an angled...
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10/26/2021 12:23pm
Managing a blog is just like adding another product or service to your company in that this new endeavor will take time to set up, manage and promote. Blogs will require time in your schedule for marketing, networking, writing and scheduling in posts and managing comments. However blogging can be very flexible you can schedule posts to go live twice a day or you can choose to post once a month, it is up to you. Whatever you do, be consistent because readers will rely on new content and if they visit your site expecting new content that isnt there,...
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10/26/2021 12:17pm
Being self-employed requires a lot more than what most people realize. If you are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, you'll want to know all about your field, your products and your customers... but you'll NEED to know about running a business. It is important for business owners to realize all the hidden areas that eat up a surprising amount of time and energy behind the scenes in running a business. Whether you produce one piece of art per week, one book every 3 years or 500 products, you are running a business and must treat it as such. Five-year business plans...
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08/16/2021 10:53pm
Personal trademark is an important subject to any professional, and an expert headshot plays a critical role. Your portrait photo will influence how others perceive you and your business. This will inevitably affect their decision whether they will work with you or not. Taking a professional portrait photo can provide your audience an invitation to do business with you. Let us be a part of this experience to connect you with your audience and clientele. Here are some tips on what you can do before your professional portrait session: 1. If you are planning to get a haircut, it...
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08/02/2021 02:43pm
The financial markets have been riding high for the past year. Despite the worldwide pandemic, it's only seen a few drops. Now's the time to adapt your investment strategy to survive and thrive in a volatile market. To do this, you'll need to ask a serious question about the current status and what the future may hold. Will the market continue to increase in value, or is a significant drop on the...
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02/18/2021 01:45pm
Whenever someone follows me to our pantry they inevitably utter amazement at our preserves and premade meals and say: How do you find the time ? Actually I find this activity saves me a lot of time and a heck of a lot of money. Here I'll share some tips to help make this activity a lot more efficient and do-able. Dont be intimidated by the size of some recipes most are freezer friendly. And remember, it is just as much work to double or triple a recipe as it is to do just one batch. You have to...
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02/18/2021 01:09pm
Eating healthy is not always the easiest with the temptation of fast easy food all around us. Sourcing your food from either your own backyard garden or a farmers market is the best, freshest way to ensure your food is full of nutrients and flavour. The next step of turning it into something inviting and appetizing is offered on every page of From One Small Garden. With over 300 recipes developed over a span of 30 years of research and development this book brings it all to the table in a pleasantly delicious way. Award-winning authors Dave and Lillian Brummet began...
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11/01/2020 10:55pm
So much has been said about free online content for businesses, how essential it is to gain credibility and build trust and connection. All true. We buy from those we know, like, and trust, so its a good avenue to share what you know with people who care about what you know, as a way to set the stage for sales. There is such a thing as too much free content , however. That happens when youre spending so much of your time creating free content that it starts to interfere with your business. Thats the point...
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09/28/2020 07:11am
USE YOGA TO INCREASE YOUR RUNNING POWER How many of us are guilty of bypassing stretching before or after a run, or at least not doing as much as we know we should? Incorporating a regular yoga practice into your life as a runner has more benefits than you might first think , in fact, yoga and running are very good friends even if touching your toes feels like a mountain too far to climb. Gaining strength, flexibility, reducing the risk of injury, learning how to breathe...
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09/28/2020 07:08am
COMBINING YOGA AND PILATES : A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH Often we sit very firmly in either the Yoga camp or the Pilates camp, and for some it can take a hard push to be swayed to cross the front line. However, combining these two amazing disciplines is a powerful way to maximise your full body health, and this is why. There is no doubt that yoga has the ability to strengthen the body, but most of the postures practiced will engage the larger global muscles and...
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09/25/2020 04:45pm
I appeared recently in an entrepreneur forum as a panelist. One of the questions asked was, what was the biggest challenge you faced when launching your business? My answer? Fear. Fear is like the annoying text messages that wont stop until you answer. Fear has been described as, False Evidence Appearing Real. I get it. Its a way to diminish those lizard brain signals of, Danger, Danger Will Robinson! (you had to see Lost in Space to get that one). When you do calm that lizard down, you can step back, see that all is not a disaster, and...
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09/17/2020 06:41pm
7 Essentials Tips for Managing Small Spaces Make the most of small living spaces If you are that one who unfortunately is somebody that lives in a house or a flat level where space is restricted, then you may feel that there is almost nothing you can do to help give you extra space and make the place look great on a minimal budget you can spend. The truth is, you couldn't be more luckless!The following are a couple of thoughts for things you can do to help give you additional room space and make the spot look extraordinary on...
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02/22/2022 05:12pm
A fairly frequent question for a prospective homeowner, or an advising agent, is about the bones of a home. When someone talks about the bones of a house, they are usually focused on primary components of the house (and likely not the cosmetic finish choices). Think of it as a good home that has the potential to be great . So this article is intended to give you an understanding of what bones are to an engineer, and how it is comprised of several components (and at times a little more difficult of a question to...
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10/27/2021 12:06pm
Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries are just a few of the occasions we celebrate with all sorts of surprises beautifully wrapped. Sadly both the task of wrapping and the recipient's unwrapping create a great pile of waste. Sweat pours down our faces as we try to force just a little more waste in our basket and we began to wonder what to do about it. Saving wrapping paper and ribbons from gifts you receive and reusing them for next years gifts is easier said than done. In the excitement of opening a present it is not on anyones mind to do it...
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10/26/2021 12:47pm
Grocery shopping can have a positive impact on the environment, your budget, the community you live in and the nutritional value of your meals. This is why we are seeing such an increase in the local food movement from "100 mile diet" campaigns to food action coalitions helping restaurants and grocery stores support local food suppliers. For the individual grocery shopper, this means taking the time to find and purchase from retailers that stock locally grown and produced foods, within British Columbia (Canada). Luckily, Dave and I also live in an agricultural paradise, and this special community truly cares about the...
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10/26/2021 12:28pm
Understanding what networking involves is vital, you need to know about and be prepared for the hidden behind-the-scenes activities that make it all happen. Do you have time in your schedule or can you utilize staff (or family members) to handle it for you? What are your intentions, procedures and current campaigns? There is a lot to consider before rushing out and sending out something that could be considered spam, instead of a valuable networking opportunity. Throughout the many years since I first became a business owner in 1990, I have noticed the incredible value of having strong...
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10/26/2021 12:21pm
Brummet's Conscious Blog began back in the day of MySpace - remember when that was the place to be? lol How things change. We moved over to Blogspot.com in 2008, and have been there ever since. Like most authors, the first traditional publisher that we worked with explained how important it was to create a blog - so we began this incredible 17-year journey based on that advice. When Dave and I made the decision to live and work as consciously as possible - this included using the blog as a tool to inspire proactive, positive change in the world....
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10/19/2021 11:22am
Causes of Body Odors and How to Prevent them. Some bodies emit odors that others find unpleasant, and these are called body odors. Body odour is the unpleasant smell that our body emits when bacteria living on the skin break down sweat into acids. Body odour is the odour of bacteria growing on the body, however, and it is the result of bacteria breaking proteins into certain acids. Dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons, say that body odors are caused by apocrine sweat glands in the armpit and the anogenital regions - the areas that...
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08/05/2021 03:34pm
Ask any Small Business owner about Health Insurance and youre bound to get a response. Unfortunately, that response is overwhelmingly negative and for a litany of reasons. The last ten years has seen an acceleration of issues that has wrecked the current group health market for Small Businesses to the point of unsustainability. What are the problems that Small Businesses are encountering with Traditional Plans? How did we get here? And, most importantly, is there anything Small Businesses can do about it? Finally making it to a point of offering Health Insurance benefits is a...
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03/09/2021 04:27am
Online learning or e-learning is any form of education that takes place over the Internet. It is one of many forms of distance learning and has saved the education industry in the Covid-19 era. Since the pandemic started, millions of students have been deprived of traditional learning. It is the availability of online learning at all levels of education that has allowed students in developed countries and some developing nations to receive an education. Online learning has changed the education industry in more ways than one. The Covid-19 pandemic has given everyone a glimpse of the future of learning. These are...
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02/18/2021 01:17pm
Dehydrating Garden Harvests (305 words) Owning a small dehydrator can avert a great deal of kitchen food waste, and youll never have to pass up people offering you their garden extras again. Also, leftovers from meals can be easily dehydrated and used later for on-the-go situations like backpacking or snowshoeing. After dehydrating any vegetable, use a blender, or grinder, to create a fine powder, and store in separate jars. Every year we dehydrate at least one jar each of chopped sweet peppers, hot peppers and ripe tomatoes. If any recipe calls for chopped chilies or peppers, fresh or 'sun-dried' tomatoes,...
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02/01/2021 05:51pm
I have learned quite a bit after running my own podcast for a couple of years, and helping entrepreneurs and small business owners create and grow their podcasts. Podcasting can be an essential way to grow your business and reach different audiences by increasing your visibility and building credibility. 1. Build Trust with Your Audience: Even if you haven't started your business yet, you can build trust with your audience before you launch. People will be able to get to know you and your business, and you will begin to build credibility. 2. Build Your List: Even if you...
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10/09/2020 11:47pm
Impact can feel oddly unsatisfying. What?! A big reason for focusing on impact is that it brings fulfillment and satisfaction along with it, right? If youre feeling that your impact isnt fulfilling you, thats a clue . Maybe youre not having all the impact you want to have. Impact is multidimensional. When it comes to business, I think of it in terms of three main parts: Collective care Income Legacy Lets look at each one, so you can see how...
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09/28/2020 07:10am
5 WAYS TO START A HOME PRACTICE AND HOW TO KEEP IT GOING Hands up if youve been meaning to begin a home yoga practice , but somehow you just can't get started? Or perhaps youve started, then stopped, then started again but just cant keep it going? Practicing yoga at home has many benefits its free, you can practice anywhere, you can practice anytime and it teaches you to truly tune into what your own body needs. So, here are 5 easy steps to help...
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09/25/2020 04:45pm
I appeared recently in an entrepreneur forum as a panelist. One of the questions asked was, what was the biggest challenge you faced when launching your business? My answer? Fear. Fear is like the annoying text messages that wont stop until you answer. Fear has been described as, False Evidence Appearing Real. I get it. Its a way to diminish those lizard brain signals of, Danger, Danger Will Robinson! (you had to see Lost in Space to get that one). When you do calm that lizard down, you can step back, see that all is not a disaster, and...
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09/22/2020 10:18am
Looking ahead, every state in the union will have an obesity rate above 44 percent in 2030, up from a nationwide average of about 30 percent now, the study said. Some states will top 60 percent. ( https://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2012/09/19/Unchecked-Obesity-Rates-Could-Bankrupt-Nation ) Those states topping 50% will literally have to file for bankruptcy, their annual costs to care for the chronic health conditions of their obese residents will by far topple any federally and state generated health care funds set aside to pay for all this. Then what? In our traditional system, the federal government will step in and take on this financial burdengiving...
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09/11/2020 08:54am
This year has really thrown a wrench into so many business plans. And the pandemic continues to wreak havoc for businesses that arent prepared for change. Lets face it, things didnt always go to plan before COVID. But we do like to create myths about the good old days, dont we? As situations shift, plans need to shift too. The question is not, how can we ensure that everything goes according to plan. The important question is, how can we make progress? Because the truth is, thats really what counts. Not the flawlessness of a plan perfectly...
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