Women, Equality and Intimacy

11/18/2015 12:50pm
Women, Equality and Intimacy. For at least the last 5000 years, women have been seen as inferior to men by almost all cultures, political systems and religions. This perception has done enormous damage to marriage and all other intimate relationships between men and women. As stated in other sections of this book, intimacy, especially the radical intimacy present in romantic love, cannot grow and prosper if one partner is perceived as superior or inferior to the other. Intimacy requires an equality of power, otherwise, safety is diminished and closeness is limited or...

What is Radical Intimacy - A New Definition

11/18/2015 12:42pm
What is Radical Intimacy? A New Definition The word radical literally means going to the root or source of something. In the context of a romantic relationship, radical intimacy means giving ones Beloved total access to ones inner being (source, root) in a continuing act of loving self-revelation and sacrifice and receiving the inner being (source, root) of ones Beloved as a precious and sacred gift. Total access to ones inner being does not mean that we necessarily communicate every thought, feeling or memory that exists in our minds. It does mean that...

Holiday Helps to Manage Diabetes

11/13/2015 11:33pm
November is National Diabetes Month and the Center for Disease Control reports that there are 29.1 million people diagnosed and undiagnosed, that are challenged with this disease in the United States. As a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) I focus on wise food choices throughout the year. As the holiday season unfolds, I want to give people the tools to eat well and wisely.In planning menus and choosing items from those often served at holiday meals denyabetes can afflict the meal planner as well as those dining at the table. As the host or hostess, it is important to include...

5 Guilt-Free Holiday Eating Strategies - And a Yummy Recipe

11/12/2015 06:02pm
Are you tired of feeling guilty for indulging in your favorite holiday foods? It's time for a change. This holiday season, eat the food you want (guilt-free); and do it without packing on the pounds. That's right! With a few simple painless changes, you can enjoy yourself minus the guilt and weight gain.Use these 5 strategies to eat your way to 2016 - feeling good and not a pound heavier. Wear something tight . Wearing snug clothing or a secure belt around your waist is a great reminder that you don't want to overdo it. It may sound simple, but stopping...

Childhood Obesity and Carbohydrate Intake: Review of the Recent Study “Isocaloric fructose restric

11/06/2015 07:51pm
I think its safe to say that we all know obesity is a problem in this country. Sometimes we might be in denial about what an enormous problem it is, but once you pay attention and look around, you realize we have an epidemic on our hands. This is going to cripple our nation in terms of rising health care costs, inability to work, and general lack of joy and vitality in ones life. Its not just costly, its just sad. The even scarier situation on the horizon is the thousands of kids who are now facing this terrible scenario at...

Lightened Up Tailgate Tips

10/29/2015 09:05pm
Whether it's Friday night lights, college or pro football, flavorful things to eat and drink are key to winning the tailgate game. Typical game day snacks aren't exactly the best choice for a balanced lifestyle, but with a little bit of planning, my suggestions will help you make lightened-up, portion-sized snacks and sips for your tailgate party menu that won't add extra pounds. Consider all of your fan favorites and get ready to lighten them up! Include protein, vegetables and fruits in the mix. You will be amazed how flavorful they can be. Host a Pre-Game Party to Remember: Menu...

Bone Health: It’s Not All About Calcium

10/29/2015 07:13pm
Seems every time we read about supporting healthy bones we talk about Calcium. Drink milk for strong bones! Who hasnt heard that before. Who hasnt seen a concerned look from a doctor or pediatrician when you say you or your kid isnt eating many dairy products? And who hasnt in some time in their life taken a calcium supplement in hopes of preventing bone loss and osteoporosis? Thing is, we love our bones. They are pretty cool. They protect our organs, provide structure to our body frame, help us move, and even perform many metabolic functions such as store minerals, help...

7 Tips to Get You Grocery Shopping Like a Nutrition Pro

10/22/2015 08:32pm
Having the right ingredients in your kitchen is a necessity if you want to cook up healthy meals; and this requires regular grocery shopping. However, making your way to the grocery store every week can feel like an overwhelming task simply because there are so many choices; store shelves are jam-packed with tempting foods. There could be 25 different varieties of salad dressings or 50 types of frozen entrees.To complicate things even more, confusing and oftentimes misleading claims on the front of packages lead us to believe that products are healthy when in fact, theyre not. Taking the time to read...

Slow Down! Enjoy Your Food and Enjoy Your Life

10/22/2015 05:44pm
How long does it take you to eat a meal? 5 minutes, 10, 20? You may have learned that it takes at least 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that you are full. Many of us don't spend enough time eating to wait for that message. In addition to preventing overeating, eating more slowly can have other significant benefits. Slowing down for digestive health Do you ever feel bloated or gassy after a meal or throughout your day? There are many reasons why that may occur, many of which can be treated with the best nutrition for you....


10/17/2015 01:42am
The desire to work smarter, faster and be more productive is embedded deep within body, mind, and spirit of every being on this planet. Great productivity and success just dont just happen overnight. Instead, they require consistent, committed effort to make it happen. Successful people achieve productivity through motivation, determination and perseverance which means that youve got to find a way to maintain your passion over the long-run. The one habit I am glad I broke is that I decided to manage my energy and my creativity rather than managing my time. Lets pause here for...

Repetition Is the Mother of Branding

10/15/2015 09:09pm
Repetition in some contexts can be boring. Not so with your brand.Repeating core attributes or strengths of what you offer is a necessity. Those core strengths are what create your brand. They help your prospective clients and customers to recognize you.Your brand distinguishes you, sets you apart. The process of creating a brand is getting really clear about your or your business' strengths, and repeating that message, over and over.The more consistent you are, the more easily recognizable your brand becomes over time.I know I used to be afraid of repeating myself too much. What if my prospective clients think I...

8 Steps To Living Your Passion Full-Time

10/11/2015 10:02pm
"Do what you love." It's simple advice, yet so many of us find ourselves taking on jobs we don't enjoy, spending our valuable time half-asleep in front of our desks, and living our day-to-day lives with no real sense of passion or purpose.I've been there, too. It's not that I didn't have passions - like you, I had interests, ideas, and passions in abundance - or that I wasn't offering what people wanted. Rather, it was that I didn't think there was an audience for my services. I didn't think I was going to be able to find my tribe .Now,...

3 Common Mistakes On Your About Me Page

10/11/2015 09:57pm
On the surface, the purpose of your "About Me" page is simple: it's a place where your clients can get to know you better -- right? But actually, the goal of your "About Me" page goes much deeper than a simple autobiography.Indeed, your "About Me" shouldn't just tell your story: it should use your story to attract your tribe. Its purpose is to create an atmosphere of trust, to let potential clients know that you can personally help them, and ultimately, to make a sale. Your "About Me" page can be a great way to resonate with your clients and...

The Heart of the Matter

10/08/2015 09:22pm
Heart disease is the number one killer in America. Almost 12 million Americans use cholesterol medication to tackle it. Looking at a different way to treat heart disease, we have to overcome the need to go to a doctor and get a prescription for cholesterol. Cholesterol is not the problem. It is naturally made by the liver to heal tears in the arteries to keep the blood flowing or else we will bleed to death or not have enough blood pressure to nourish the heart muscle. Looking at a different way to treat heart disease, we have to look at the...

Wanna Start Something?

10/05/2015 02:34pm
Wanna "Start" Something??? I once saw a man say, "We have the power to start the world all over again.". The man I saw was Ronald Reagan, and he was quoting Thomas Paine. Both of these men are considered American patriots and both had the ability raise spirits and to lead people when they were confused, scared or lost. Both of these men had concerns with leading a country, a people, in a certain direction, their direction, your direction. The same can be done with your business.As a business owner, you have the ability to "start the world over again" with...