Get More Trade From Your Trade Shows

02/01/2016 02:41pm
Trade Shows, Too Much Show, Add More Trade Trade shows can be a great learning experience for attendees and a wonderful sales resource for vendors, so why are they so often only a very expensive waste of time? After all, most quality trade shows have thousands of interested consumers walking just inches past your product and your sales team, so why are sales being generated at a higher rate? The biggest problem is most vendors address their sales pitches at a trade show in the same manner as they do from their office or store. This is why...

The 7 Habits of Highly Impactful People - Habit #3: Presence

01/27/2016 08:27pm
How do you show up in the world?A big question.Your impact is intimately tied with your presence. How you show up takes your impact vision one important step forward.Think deeply about your response to this question: how do I want to show up? What kind of qualities would I want to demonstrate that are in natural alignment with my impact vision? The way I want to treat my family, my friends, my team, my clientsThe kind of energy I want to bring to different situations: do I want to be someone who drains energy or someone who brings energy?Do I want...

Preparing for an Audition-What to Bring?

01/25/2016 03:30am
Preparing for an audition can be an extremely overwhelming experience for an artist that is attempting to get ready for an audtion, anxiety kicks in. I have found from working in production and interacting with artist in all genres that are not prepared for the audtion, this can also annoying and time consuming for the casting director and producer that are casting the artist during the auditions. When preparing for an audition here are 6 tips on what to bring to the audition that can make your life and the casting director, and producers a bit easier : 1....

Why Is Dairy Inflammatory?

01/16/2016 02:06pm
If you've read about dairy at all on the internet, no doubt you will read in countless blogs and articles about how dairy is one of the top 10 inflammatory foods. It's ALWAYS on the list. But why is that? What is it inherently about dairy that makes it so inflammatory. The particular proteins? The processing? The cows themselves? I would imagine many of you have no definitive answer, and yet we believe the inflammatory food lists without even thinking. If you are curious, let's investigate.Civilizations began drinking the milk of animals between 9000 and 3000 BC, once they were less...

The 7 Habits of Highly Impactful People - Habit #2: Vision

01/14/2016 07:43pm
Where do you think any impact begins?You might be thinking, action! Or planning.It's true, both planning and action are ingredients for impact.But in the beginning? Impact begins with an idea. A vision.In the last article , we started looking at the meaning of being impactful and the habits of highly impactful people. Habits you can embrace to be impactful too.The second habit that you, Highly Impactful Person (HIP - can you just see your name tag? lol), can adopt is to have an impact vision. A vision is a high level image of the impact you want to create.Your impact...

Get Cooking - Tips and Recipes for Fast Weeknight Meals

01/14/2016 03:45pm
Let's Get Cooking! Here are a few cooking tips and tricks to help you get a tasty meal on the table in no time and feel good about what everyone is eating. 1. Plan Ahead You'll be more efficient and prepare healthier meals by planning ahead. Pick a day when you can take 20 minutes or so to inventory your fridge/pantry and use this template to plan out your meals for the week. Prepare an organized grocery list and make a trip to the grocery store. Having a weekly meal plan will allow you to identify small do-ahead steps...

Resolutions for A Healthier You

01/07/2016 07:16pm
With the arrival of the New Year, I've had more than a few calls from clients sharing their resolutions and commitment to make changes to improve their well-being. These resolutions range from broad-based to the specific---more wholesome eating, reducing carbohydrate intake, monitoring their food-related health issues, losing pounds, going gluten-free, opting for weight-loss surgery and several others.The important thing to remember when deciding to change your lifestyle is to give serious consideration to what will work best for you. You know better than anyone else your strengths and weaknesses. If you are an avowed chocoholic, the sure path of self-sabotage is...

I Suck at Coaching and Here's Why

01/28/2016 05:46pm
Back in 2012 I went through a period of struggling with fear. My fear paralyzed me so much that I was afraid to make a wrong decision so I made no decision at all. As a result, my six-figure Virtual Assistant Business dwindled away to nothing. With the help of an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Coach I was able to move past my fear, restart my business and within 6 months I was back on top. While working in my business I began to notice my clients were having the same kinds of issues with fear and those fears...

The 7 Habits of Highly Impactful People - Habit Number 1: Values

12/23/2015 04:20pm
You want to have impact in your business and life, right?Here's the thing: you already do! But it's not necessarily the impact you want to have.Having a positive influence in your business, community, and even the larger world takes disciplined effort. When you make those efforts habits , you're on your way to big impact .In this series of 7 articles, I'll share what I've learned from years of coaching people who want to have impact, and from my own work and research. You'll learn the 7 habits of highly impactful people.These habits pay off hugely, not...

Foods to Heal Your Gut - And End the Cycle of Bloating, Constipation and Diarrhea

12/17/2015 06:37pm
Do you feel bloated after every meal or even when you wake up in the morning? Do you constantly go back and forth between constipation and diarrhea? If so, you are not alone. According to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 63 million people have chronic constipation and more than 15 million people have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The cause of these symptoms is often overlooked, but rather symptoms are managed with chronic medication use, leading to side effects and additional health challenges.There are many lifestyle and dietary factors impacting digestive challenges including stress, food...

What Sugar and Fat Have in Common - And Why You Should Care

12/10/2015 06:35pm
Holiday indulgences can result in more than gaining a few extra pounds. Fatty sweet cookies, pies, and candy as well as excess calories and alcohol can lead to a spike in your triglycerides. Why should this concern you? It may be putting you at risk for heart disease. Read on and learn how to avoid it. What are triglycerides? Triglycerides are a type of fat that come from food, and your body also makes them. They are the most common type of fat found in the body. Triglycerides are continually circulating in the blood ready to be metabolized to provide a...

How to Keep Your (Diet) Sanity During the Holidays!

12/10/2015 01:04am
Yep, it's here, Christmas season! While this is a joyous occasion for most, are you one of those dreading the stream of Christmas parties, office treats, and edible gifts? The amount of sugar can seem endless. Even for the most motivated it can be incredibly difficult to resist overindulging, if not for lack of willpower than simply due to pushy people who seem to take extreme offence when treats offered are refused. What is with people sometimes? I've noticed this more frequently when clients tell me about weaknesses. Often times they feel out of control with their choices because of the...

3 Tips for Putting Out the Fire of Inflammation

12/04/2015 02:04pm
What is inflammation? Do you hear about inflammation from your doctor or in the news, but not exactly sure what it means for your health? Acute inflammation is your body's natural response to an injury (a cut or break) or an infection (a virus or bacteria). This inflammatory response is crucial for your body to heal. Unfortunately, chronic inflammation is inflammation that persists over a longer period of time and plays a role in heart disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, some types of cancer and obesity.Think of acute inflammation like a storm that hit your neighborhood. Some damage occurred, there is clean up...

The Process of Developing

11/23/2015 11:05am
This is one of my brainstorming when I teach my younger colleagues.Sometimes it is enough just an idea to does something well. In that case, time is the only investment. Later this idea bring some money, and if you're smart, you will investment in a new idea. It is a harsh reality. Just need to be persistent and success will come by itself. How to Get an idea? Well... The only inexhaustible energy source in any person on Earth is exactly the idea. The only question is when will that idea be "cooked" and realized. ...

Holiday Stollen: A Tasty Tradition

11/19/2015 05:20pm
I love this time of year when the doldrums of cold days and dark nights are broken up by some of our favorite holidays. Thanksgiving gets things started and soon enough Christmas is on its heels. The various holiday foods are definitely one of my favorite parts. It's typically but once a year I lay my eyes on pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, fruit cake, and other, well, not so healthy items. They say the average American gains 7-10 pounds during the holidays. It can be difficult to resist those extra calories, especially when Aunt Mae is pushing you to eat "just...