01/28/2019 02:14pm
Traveling in style and with great comfort is a challenge more often than not. But the best thing that you can do is to think outside the boundaries and actively focus on finding new solutions. The reality is that you can save money while being in a vacation. Usually it comes down to finding the right cheap rate travel and focus on those activities that are not super expensive. This blog is about Travel Tips To Save MoneyIs it possible to save money on your trips? Yes, but you need the right mindset. You might not be able to...

5 Tips for Safer Winter Driving

01/23/2019 11:10am
The leaves may have barely started to change colors... but before you know it winter will be here and, with it, snowy and icy driving conditions. Stay safe and out of the ditch this winter with these five tire tips: 1. Make sure you have appropriate tires In an era where convenience is king, All-Season Tires are finding their way on to more and more vehicles. One set of tires for a whole year's worth of driving, and skipping the winter wait at your local tire shop, sound like a dream come true for...

It’s Your Time to Have More Impact

01/12/2019 02:13am
Do you make New Years resolutions? If you do, you may be wasting your time. Evidence shows that most people dont keep them. Daily trips to gym, reading a book a week, and spending less time on social media all fall by the wayside after a few short weeks. Instead, we lapse pretty quickly into our old habits. And nothing changes or improves. Unless something deeper is pulling you. Impact is what can pull you and your business into a new and powerful year. Your impact is more than a mission, more than a purpose, even more than your why....

A Simple and Powerful Tool for High-Impact Achievement in 2019

01/04/2019 12:08pm
Its coming up to a new calendar year. A great time for planning. When you plan for your upcoming year, you can be ably guided by your Impact Purpose. That defining statement that summarizes the impact you want to have with your business. Ive covered the process for clarifying your Impact Purpose in other articles, so I wont focus on that here. With your Impact Purpose, it clarifies the what, but not the how. Heres a simple and powerful tool you can use to guide your how in the coming year. You may have heard of the word of the year....

Here’s Why Your Strategy’s Not Working As Well As It Could

12/22/2018 12:52pm
Youve done the strategic planning, maybe with a consultant or coach, and youve got the action plan. Youve done everything right. And yet, its still not rolling out as well as you had envisioned. Thats because conventional strategic planning techniques only go so far. They are missing an important ingredient that materially affects your business presence and success in the world. The business-as-usual approach leaves the vibrant essence of your company untapped. You havent let the genie out of the bottle yet. That genie is impact. For you and your company to have maximum impact, it must be embedded. In your...

Who are they? (Content Writer)

12/21/2018 10:09pm
Who are they? (Content Writer) A content writer is a person who is into content writing and marketing tips as to give information relevant for various or a particular niche. (Content writing networks 2019) With the aid of content writing tool free or paid, the content writer analyses the various marketing tips to enhance business to business growth (business marketing trends 2018) using various tools such as speller tools, analyzer tools and transcribers to develop and enhance content for developers and advertisers. With various tools as fiverr , Evernote , freelancer tools , you can...

Don’t Snuggle Up to Your Self-Doubt

12/15/2018 11:01am
You might assume that those high profile people you admire always have their act together, that they are decisive about every choice, never have regrets, and always know what to do. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality? Self-doubt is oh so human. Everyone, even the most put-together leaders, second-guess themselves. Self-doubt is oh so human. Its a natural response to the challenges of business and life. That said, self-doubt doesnt have to stop you. The worst thing you can do is get all cozy with your self-doubt. That familiar feeling that will stop you in your tracks...

Inclusion is Your Path to Impact

11/30/2018 09:16am
I attended an event a few weeks ago that was chock-full of inclusion. Not in that reflexive, annoying, politically correct way. In that honoring everyone and celebrating what diversity offers way. In every detail, effort was made for this intention to be realized. What did it serve to do? It made us more mindful. It encouraged us to unabashedly recognize, speak about, and celebrate differences. It connected us. It sparked creativity in ways to do and see things. Wouldnt you love to have more mindfulness and clarity, more innovation and connection in your organization? Of course, putting this into action in...

10 Reasons Why Impact Is Your Competitive Edge

11/18/2018 09:18am
Even if you have a unique product or service, before long, its inevitable that your company will be joined by others. With the advent of social media, it seems that its getting harder and harder to stand out from the crowd. Marketers have tried to address this by carving out niches and splashy campaigns. Or by creating a Purple Cow . Another approach with multiple advantages is to incorporate impact in your strategy and marketing . I define impact as the point where your and your companys uniqueness meet the world and make it a better place for all...

Does It Takes Money To Make Money?

06/20/2019 03:50am
It Takes Money To Make Money ... But Who Said It Has to Be Your Money?A common objection for anyone to start investing is: It takes money to make noney!Indeed, it takes money to make money, but who said it has to be your money? In an earlier article, I have shared one of the best lesson my mentor, Papa Joe, ever taught me: The road to wealth is good debt. Check out this article, it has explained in depth the principles of borrowing and leverage to create wealth. The reality is a large amount of money is required for investment...

Are The government and Your Employer Responsible for Your Financial Well-being?

06/20/2019 03:53am
Are The government and Your Employer Responsible for Your Financial Well-being?The best thing about history is that it helps us predict the future. In the last 100 years, there have been several recessions across the globe. The well-documented facts show us that employees were laid off and unemployment shot up to high double digits. Employers who had to let go of their employees never thought they were responsible for the financial well-being of those laid-off employees. To me, no job looks secure. On the other hand, governments across the world have genuine obligations to improve their economies...

Is Debt Good or Bad?

06/20/2019 03:55am
Is Debt Good or Bad?It was considered a privilege to carry a credit card back in the eighties. Nowadays, credit card companies harass people who have steady incomes to offer them free-for-life credit cards. Things have evolved in a manner that you can take a cash advance with zero down payment and zero interest for a number of months. The trick here is that most people will fail to repay those credit card loans within the few months window and then get penalized with huge interest rates that can range anywhere between 24 to 36% per year. This is when the...

Did You Ever Make a Self Talk to Understand the Current State of Your Finances?

11/16/2018 09:33am
Did You Ever Make a Self Talk to Understand the Current State of Your Finances? When was the last time you have evaluated the current state of your finances? Whether you are in a financial disaster or in a financial health, have you ever asked yourself a question such as: "Why Am I Here?" When I examined my poor financial situation back in 2008, dozens of questions and ideas came to my mind. In some instances, I comforted myself with some irrational justifications about my financial ruin. It was like covering a bad story with...

Armor Up: What’s Holding You Back as a Leader

11/11/2018 10:41pm
A great deal has been written about entrepreneurs and organizational leaders dealing with their fear. Ive written about it myself. I have to admit, I always thought that it was fear that holds us back from being the leaders we want to be: bold, courageous, inspiring. Not so. Brene Brown, everyones favorite vulnerability expert, reports from her research in her latest book, Dare to Lead , that its not fear that holds us back as leaders. Its the response to that fear. Its your thoughts, feelings, and your behavior in response to your fear. Its your armor. Brave leaders...

You Can Almost Never Become Wealthy Without Incurring Good Debt!

10/31/2018 10:19am
During my five-year assignment in the Philippines, I met a Lebanese-American businessman who lived most of his life in Asia, between China and Philippines. He was in the business of producing clothes and garments in China and the Philippines and exporting them to the US. He was also a landlord to many residential and commercial properties in the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, UK, and the US. He was well connected in the Philippines to influential people. His employees and business partners treated him and respected him like a father figure. He became my personal coach and mentor and helped me...