Calling All Men to Focus on Scoring Better Health

07/01/2016 02:02am
June recognizes a number of health-related dates. It is noted as Mens Health Month and includes Mens Health Week. Additionally there is also Wear Blue Day the color that is designated to raise awareness and educate men and women about the importance of mens health. Whether it is a day, a week or the entire month, I want to encourage men to note and not ignore the signals their bodies may send that there is something out of order. Mens health is at risk as a result of some of the same health concerns we see in women. Cardiovascular (CVD)...

Aiming for Harvard? A Perfect SAT Score Can Actually Backfire

06/28/2016 12:02pm
Most guidance counselors and college consultants will tell you that kids need stellar GPAs and a perfect SAT score to get into their dream schools.Theyll also tell you that they need to take a slew of AP and honors courses will advise them to fill up their activity sheet with volunteering and time-intensive extracurriculars.So why are many high-achieving student getting waitlisted at their top choice schools?Because next to every other high-achieving student, they look average. The schools dont want to outright reject these students because theyre obviously so capable. So instead the colleges bump them onto the waiting list.So,...

Be Stroke Aware Year ‘Round

06/23/2016 02:13am
As we wrap up the month designated for Stroke Awareness, lets remember that its important to be mindful of our health and the symptoms of stroke every month. Every 40 seconds someone in the United States has a stroke. According to the World Heart Federation, the global stats show that every year 15 million people suffer a stroke. Strokes are a leading cause of disability and they can result in death. A stroke is a brain attack. They occur if there is a blocked blood vessel or bleeding in the brain. It can be daunting to take a look...

Paddling the Snake River

06/02/2016 05:44pm
By Elizabeth C. Terhaar On October 3, my coworkers Brett, Dennis, and I joined 300 kayaktivists advocating for dam removal on the Snake River with a peaceful Free the Snake protest and flotilla staged near Lower Granite Dam. It was an inspiring day. The road trip started with a 4:30am departure from Hood River, and five hours later we were welcomed on the Snake River by a fleet of colorful boats and characters. There were fishermen, boaters, orca lovers, tribal members, and other river advocates rallying on the river in support of removing the four lower Snake River...

L Is for Leafy Greens

05/25/2016 10:52pm
"Eat more leafy greens!" Do you hear that all the time? Or is it just me? Seems like a saying that just won't go away. I know we are always commanded by health gurus to eat this or eat that, but with leafy greens, I think there is a reason this mandate has stuck around.What are leafy greens anyways? Sounds like a nice word for something clearly leafy and healthy, but are we talking about exactly? Many think spinach, some think lettuce. Both are correct, but it's more than that. Leafy greens typically entail those greens that are dark green (iceberg...

The Gift of Jealousy

05/24/2016 05:07pm
Oh, that transformative beast - jealousy. It can transform friendship into resentment. It can transform honest effort into a reason to beat yourself up. And it can really mess with your business. One of my friends, a bright and articulate woman, was the object of my jealousy. She's also an entrepreneur, and it seemed at one point that she was popping up everywhere. She worked with people I wanted to work with. She posted on Facebook in words that I've used to describe similar experiences. She got invitations to speak and write articles about those experiences.Was she stealing something from me?Was...

Mobile Marketing In India Is Bound To See Downward Spiral In Growth - Gear Up Or Alternative Mobile

05/16/2016 06:01am
The surge in startup in recent years and unprecedented surge in funding in Mobile centric product or application or service triggered Mobile Marketing segment. Now a day's Mobile Marketing companies are higher than the startup's in India. The surge in International Mobile Application companies vying to acquire more Indian user with an opinion that Indian Mobile Segment is going to see revolution in the said segment due to explosion in Smartphone adoption and growing Mobile Internet Userbase. The launch of 4G services by some of the incumbent Mobile operator whereas the expectation of higher mobile data usage post ...

What We Should Learn From British Government Post Tata Steel Decision To Firesell British Operation

05/13/2016 02:23am
With full of fanfare Tata Steel with an intention of being global power house in metal sector and capture the lucrative high value steel segment oriented in Steel spent Billions of in 2007 and subsequently poured in many Billions of in infrastructure enhancement and generated thousands of jobs across Europe.It seems that management of Tata Steel and Sons missed to read the red signal and kept on incurring heavy losses and building their debt level which directly impacted their net worth. The Middle East crisis and more than expected downturn in Europe and its continued...

5 Steps to Defining Your Ideal Client

05/07/2016 12:54pm
Many small business owners struggle to attract their ideal clients because they are not super clear on who they serve. Knowing your ideal client is so important, I dont think many people realize that in order for you to create the copy for your website, posts for social media and/or your services, products or programs you have to know who it is that you serve first. I see so many entrepreneurs rush to get a website up and start marketing their business before they are clear on who they serve. Putting the cart before the wheel is what causes many businesses...

Just Another Sunday- A Son's Mother's day Tribute

05/06/2016 11:51am
Mother's Day is Sunday. For the first time in my 47 years on the planet, it really is, JUST another Sunday. Since my mother passed away last August, this Sunday becomes just another weekend. For the first time, no trips to the florist or the candy store. No need to call or send a card. No use of construction paper and glitter in art class. Mother's Day is now, just another Sunday. Ironically, this is probably the first time I've ever actually valued Mother's Day. Most times I saw those flowers and cards as some kind...

10 Super Foods to Eat This Spring

04/27/2016 06:17pm
Warmer weather is gradually arriving (at least to us in Seattle!) and many of you, like myself, are likely starting to shift your eating. Heavy stews and fortifying soups are on their way out in place of lighter fare with seasonal produce. Personally, I always find this time of year that I've forgotten many of my favorite Spring and Summer foods as this transition happens, and I get into a food rut, rotating through many of the same meals until something reminds me of the variety at my fingertips (ie the store or farmers market). For that reason I created a...

Is Your Weight Gain Caused by a Calorie Imbalance or Gut Breakdown?

04/27/2016 05:05pm
I see clients every day who have struggled for years to achieve a healthy weight. They have tried every diet on the market with at best minimal results. And so often they also live with chronic digestive issues. Their stories almost always include some or all of the following: a history of the Standard American Diet, regular antibiotic usage as a child or into adulthood, a period of time on the birth control pill, over-the-counter or prescription medications for reflux, constipation or diarrhea.What do the statistics tell us? (data from the National Institutes of Health) 230 million Americans are overweight or...

Switching Jobs? How To Go On A Free $2,000+ Health Shopping Spree Before You Leave

04/27/2016 06:56am
This article appeared in Forbes on March 31, 2016 previous column advised job switchers on how to maximize bonuses, retirement matches and other payouts before leaving a job. This column provides additional opportunities to save by taking advantage of health benefits and vacation days. In todays economy, leaving a job may not entitle you to a lavish good-bye party or a shiny farewell gift. However, if you plan ahead, you could go on a 2,000+ shopping spree courtesy of your employer before you walk away, or turn leftover vacation days into...

Swimming In The Real-World Financial Pool

04/27/2016 06:47am
This article appeared in The Huffington Post on 7/11/2012 Summer always brings a certain excitement as a new crop of freshly minted college graduates descends upon Manhattan and other cities, ready to take on the world. But while these young adults come armed with diplomas, a new wardrobe, and endless ambition, most lack a solid grasp of what it means to be financially literate. Todays graduates are diving into the real-world financial pool without even the basic strokes of personal finance. As the recent financial crisis has illuminated, not only is the water quite deep, but there are also plenty...

To Be Your Best, Create Space in Your Business

04/14/2016 02:25pm
In 2005, David Lynch created the Quiet Time Program. Yep, that guy the award-winning director, writer and producer of Eraserhead , Elephant Man , Wild at Heart , Twin Peaks , Blue Velvet . Thats the short list. This guy is known for his frankly weird films. Now, hes teaching kids about inner space. He pushes the limits . He has his own vision . He brings it to life . Sound like anyone you know? Kind of sums up the entrepreneur experience , right? Quiet Time integrates the practice of...