Pitchrate Expert | Julia G.

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Julia G.

Category of Expertise:

Authors, Family, Mental Health/Psychology, Political/History

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Author of And Then There Were Three: Sixty-Seven Letters to Sasha

When gay marriage was legalized in the United States on June 26, 2015, it appeared as though the last major hurdle for LGBT rights was finally overcome. While this is a major milestone in the journey for equal rights, there is still a long way to go before global tolerance can be achieved.

Julie Fox's autobiographical memoir, And Then There Were Three: Sixty-Seven Letters to Sasha, documents the challenges that still face members of the LGBT community, especially those in countries where being homosexual is still considered an abnormality. In a moving collection of letters to the man who opened her eyes to a new perspective on love and tolerance, Fox gives readers an honest look into her experiences with a less traditional type of relationship. In this poetic memoir, Fox chronicles the reunion of her husband, George, with his former lover from college, Sasha--a man living a double life in a culture where his homosexuality could result in imprisonment or worse. As Sasha enters their life, both husband and wife must learn to navigate and explore the challenges and complexities of a polyamorous reality together against a backdrop of cultural and societal expectations and judgments.

And Then There Were Three: Sixty-Seven Letters to Sasha is a personal reflection that examines the dynamic and often challenging elements of marriage, relationships, and acceptance, as well as the nature of love itself.


lgbt, polyamory, homophobia, gay, non-traditional relationship

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