Inspiring Women CEOs: Lindsey McCoy and Alison Webster

05/24/2019 09:21am
Called the Netflix of shampoos, Plaine Products is a rapidly growing company with the goal of significant environmental impact. As co-founder with her sister Alison Webster, Lindsey McCoy (formerly Delaplaine ) is finding ways to address one of the major environmental issues of our time. Drive down any road, walk on any beach, and youll see the consequences of our disposable lifestyle. Plastic is everywhere. Sustainability is a primary motivator at Plaine Products, a body and hair care product company with a twist. Lindsey and Alison have personally tried and approved all products to ensure that they are environmentally friendly:...

Fed up with federal hiring? How I’m making a difference.

05/16/2019 09:04am
One thing that Ive heard over and over in my career is that government jobs are impossible to come by. With all the bureaucracy and red tape, I find it hard to disagree. That is why I decided to make a difference.Ive spent the last five plus years in federal human resources, and have been confronted by countless applicants that are clearly frustrated with the hiring process for government jobs. Usually, I dont get to speak to one of these applicants until after they have received their notice of rejection. At that point, it is too late to educate them on...

7 Ways You Can Make Your Company a Great Place to Work

05/04/2019 12:57am
Losing a great employee is costly. Your company loses time, money, and the information stored in that persons brain about how things work well and what to do next. Its clear that employee retention is a priority for you as a leader and for those working with people in your company, which is probably everyone within your company. The time to start addressing retention of great employees is now. Here are 7 ways you can keep your best staff members and create a desirable place to work:1. Start at onboarding . Help newly hired people know what is expected...

Power Amplifies: Are You Using It To Have Impact?

04/27/2019 01:42am
The real hidden jewel in being an entrepreneur is who we become in the process of making a business work. It is our own transformation that is so compelling. One aspect of that journey is power. When you lead a company, you have the power to make changes and decide on direction. You have the power to hire and fire. You have the power to have impact. Power amplifies. The effects of what you do resonate throughout your organization. That makes it even more important to show up as the person you want to be, to have the impact that...


04/05/2019 03:17pm
There is a constant pressure to reduce pricing. This has spilled over into the psyche of our culture. Price, lower price and better price! Car dealers are a perfect example of this phenomenon. They are selling comparable products with comparable services, so their only perceived advantage is price. Daily we hear commercials stating, No one will beat our prices. But lets consider, what the automotive consumer gains from this business model. A less expensive car from a dealership that will change hands and policies on a regular basis, because of the dealerships own price pressures them into huge turnovers. Why do...


04/05/2019 03:14pm
I know this may be unsettling for some, but the constant marketing of quality has become irrelevant. Manufacturing has evolved over the years. In the 70s Americas automotive industry was almost destroyed by their simple ignorance of what consumers wanted. Previously all the consumer wanted was a stylish, powerful mode of transportation. The hot rod culture was created. Americans were willing to buy expensive unreliable machines if they looked good and had large amounts of horse power. Then it all changed in 1973. OAPEC placed an embargo on the U.S. oil supply and oil quadrupled in price. Lines at...

Inspiring Women CEOs: Eileen Fisher

04/03/2019 12:11pm
Hopefully the day will come, and soon, when we no longer have to highlight great women CEOs, and theyll just become exemplary CEOs, period. Until that day arrives, however, its valuable to point out the unique skills and perspectives that women are bringing to the table in terms of leadership in companies that have impact. Lets start with one of the masters, Eileen Fisher. As the first in a planned series, Ill be highlighting the contributions of both the woman and the brand. I hope they inspire you as much as they inspire me. Eileen Fisher of Eileen Fisher, Inc....

How To Make Voice Clear For Singing?

03/24/2019 09:16am
Frequently Asked Question: 1- can you teach yourself to sing? 2-can anyone learns to sing 3- how to improve your voice quality for singing 4- how to improve your singing voice Yeah, Anyone can learn to sing, many people say my voice is bad, not good for singing, I can't sing, I don't want to embarrass myself, my voice is not good to singing. But I dream of being a famous singer and have a good voice and strong.Are you a beginner ? you want to learn singing ?Firstly, you must train your voice to sing, there many...

The Future Doesn’t Just Happen: You Shape It Every Day

03/21/2019 11:06pm
Have you ever seen or read about people in the direst of circumstances who are transcendent, happy? And others who seem to have everything, and yet feel deprived? The way you choose to think about a situation, the parts of yourself that you call on, even dig deep for, are what determine your present and your future. Your thinking is integral to your character. When things look negative, question it. Theres always a way to think about a situation that includes a gift, an opportunity. This may seem contrived at first, but think about situations where youve suddenly had...

High Value Thinking Time Increases Your Income and Impact

03/01/2019 07:29pm
As a busy CEO, you likely dont have a lot of time to sit and do nothing but think. But you should. Entrepreneurs tend to value doing above contemplating. But this kind of thinking will help you with your doing. The Value of Thinking Time When youre busy with activity, certain parts of your brain are engaged. Youre following a get-to-do list. Youre directing multiple people. Youre juggling a hive of activity. In the midst of all that, its hard to allow new perspectives in. Thats what thinking time is for. To let your mind wander, pulling different...

Clever Contrasts: Interior Design Trends 2019

02/27/2019 12:02am
With our world more connected than ever before, it can be a challenge to understand how we fit into it all. When do I prioritize me? When do I prioritize others? The answer is Yes.2019 is all about embracing contrast. Its the year we celebrate diversity and contemplate disaccord in our lives and in our lived spaces, with home dcor that mirrors this invigorating contradiction. Interior design trends 2019 will help us make sense of who we are and how we continue to connect with this world before the next decade begins.Lets take a journey together now to discover the innovative...

Making New Year’s resolutions stick

02/23/2019 09:33am
While some of us are great at keeping our goals, the majority of us fail in the first 10 days of the new year and then simply give up. The reason for this is that many of us dont have a structured plan in place or we dont even know where to begin. We start with too many new year resolutions in mind or a generalized broad vision like we want to be happier or we want to get healthier and then we havent the best idea how to go about it. We also tend to start our goals and new...

Essential Tools for ABM Strategy in Wealth Management

02/22/2019 06:50pm
If you have been reading our articles in this Account-Based Marketing series, you are now familiar with what ABM is and the steps you need to take to implement this type of strategy. Part of the process to launch an ABM program is to first ensure that you are fully educated and prepared for strategy implementation. Next, you will need to determine the right platform, software, and technology to use to support your organization and teams. We cover this in our previous posts. In summary, wealth management firms and financial advisory businesses stand to benefit from learning...

Reimagine the Purpose of Your Business

02/22/2019 12:38am
Theres been so much talk in business about your why, your purpose, your mission. All of those are great in clarifying what you want out of your work, your business, but it can be a very narrow viewpoint when it is only about what your business will do for you. You can have a much greater vision. You can and do affect others. How do you want that effect to land? Do you want to do good? You can, with your business. Thats what impact is all about, having a vision not just for yourself, but also for others,...

Highly Engaged Employees Increase Your Company’s Impact

02/08/2019 10:25am
Upping your employees engagement level is well worth the effort, not only in your bottom line, or even triple bottom line, but also in the culture of your company, that sometimes ineffable stuff that makes yours a great place to work. Employees who are highly engaged are set apart from even satisfied employees by the discretionary effort theyre willing to bring to their work. Theyre willing to go the extra mile (or two), and infuse what they do with passion and a strong connection to your company and its mission. They solve problems and bring in new customers. These are the...