Pitchrate Expert | Jodi Taylor

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Jodi Taylor

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance, Business Performance, Personal Finance, Personal/Business Coaching



User Type:

Jodi is responsible for leading all aspects of our customer success efforts. Jodi has a demonstrated ability to deliver an exceptional Customer/User experience and consistently manages multiple projects while maintaining the highest emphasis on quality, at all stages of the Customer Journey. She is a success-focused leader who fosters and encourages teamwork within and across disciplines, translating vision into actionable plans; ensuring transformational change is clearly and appropriately communicated and executed. Jodi and her team are responsible for leading our Customers through their entire experience with our products. Onboarding, training, enabling… all of it. Her team is committed to ensuring that every potential User becomes a regular User, and who expands their usage, and enjoys the maximum utility possibly from Xtiva – in the shortest time to value.


client relationship wealth management financial services marketing

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