Canola Oil Dangers

07/16/2015 11:06pm
Fat is not the enemy. Fat does not make you fat! Over fifty years of bad science, mostly funded by the U.S. Canola Association, eating the right fats can sustain and improve your health. There are five reasons to avoid vegetable oils, especially Canola Oil. Avoid it at all costs.Canola oil is a polyunsaturated fat. It is prone to oxidation. (1) Heat, light or oxygen can cause it to go bad. They still use a high heat process to extract the oil from the rapeseed. Much of the product spoils before it leaves the factory. The consequences of long term use...

Grit – A Key Trait That Will Increase Your Potential

07/14/2015 10:29am
One thing that many of us may ask is: what is the key to success? What is the secret ingredient for becoming a Rockstar in whatever you do? Is it luck? Talent? High IQ?For a long time, IQ was considered the number one ingredient for success. However, according to Psychology Professor Angela Duckworth grit may be just as important. Grit, according to Duckworth, is a personality trait that can be defined as sticking with things over the very long term until you master them. And here is an interesting note: Duckworth studied a number of Ivy League students and found that...

How to Take Your Business Personally

07/09/2015 11:00pm
I'm always surprised when I hear the advice, don't take business personally. It's 'just a business decision'. My response? Horseradish! Okay, I'd prefer to use another term here, but I'm keeping it clean!After years of working in an impersonal corporate setting where so much bad behavior was excused by saying, 'it's just business', I am delighted and pleased to tell you that you have an alternative.You can take everything about business personally!Taking business personally creates success for you, for your clients, and for your staff.It moves business into a whole other realm, the realm of connection. Connecting with yourself, with your...

Show Me Your Work

07/09/2015 12:17am
I am internet addict no doubt, i love information and i always want to be a step ahead of the pack when it comes to knowing the latest news, trends and what have you. I have always felt that 2 inventions in this life we're living have revolutionized the way we live and those 2 things are the aeroplane and the internet. But the latter i'm more in awe off. Since i discovered the internet, its been my go-to place for all the information i need. Its been my teacher, my counselor, my comedian etc. I seriously refuse to imagine what...

Loss and Grief

07/02/2015 11:37pm
Most recently, another family member passed away and this time so unexpectedly. Our loss impacted our family in different ways. My spouse found the lifeless body of our beloved seven year old German Shepard while I was away on a flying trip. What happened next for us was such an emotional burden of shock and disbelief and learned habits of loss and grief. I received the phone call after my spouse who is medically trained in CPR who tried to revive his body. I then started crying in the public restaurant and tried to keep it together. After that outburst of...

Summer BBQ Fare With Flair

06/25/2015 11:48pm
What's the perfect recipe for summer? Beaches, a little pool and of course a good barbeque. But how do you enjoy the tastes of summer and keep calories in check at the same time?As a registered dietitian, I like to say, everything is okay as long as you have it in moderation.Whether you are the host or a guest, it can be easy to over-pile the portions onto your plate. Make wholesome and wise choices and adopt what I call "buffet discipline." Here are my personal tips for enjoying a balanced barbecue that still includes all of the fixings.Have a PlanPlan...

6 Steps to an Organized Kitchen and Why You Want to Have One

06/25/2015 07:08pm
An organized life makes healthy choices easier, it's as simple as that. Meals planned, exercise scheduled, house uncluttered - all can be helpful to have your best life. But more specifically, what about an organized kitchen? Having meals planned is wonderful, but what if you can't remember why you purchased that fresh herb or you can't find what you are looking for when it's time to cook?There are simple steps you can take to keep your kitchen organized. An organized kitchen will help you to stay on track each day and each week as you plan well and eat well. 1....

Common Medical Myths About Foods and Nutrition

06/19/2015 01:16am
BY JUST EATING A BALANCED DIET -This idea is too vague. A balanced diet for a fast oxidizer person (classified as an earlier stage of stress. Their adrenal and thyroid glands tend to be very active and burn their food faster. They will crave starches and sweets if they do not enough fats and oils with each meal). A balanced diet for a slow metabolizer (classified in a less healthful stage of stress called the exhaustion stage. Their digestive power is much lower and liver activity is usually more sluggish. Most do not handle fats and oils nearly as well as...

Grieving Process: How Long Will Grief Last?

06/18/2015 10:24pm
The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not 'get over' the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal, and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again, but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross In the grieving process, you may hear people ask, "Isn't it time you let go?" or "Shouldn't you be over it by now?" These questions reflect the...

Hot Off The Grill - Tips for Making Summer Grilling Safe and Healthy

06/18/2015 08:43pm
Summer is almost officially here and it is the time of year when getting outside to cook and eat can be great fun. You may be a regular at grilling, but would like to make it more interesting, or you may be a novice who doesn't feel comfortable or has heard grilling may not be a healthy way to cook.Wherever you are there are simple tips that can help you get started or continue grilling safer while eating healthy and delicious food. We often think of meat as the only food to cook on a grill. Consider other options such as...

Why I Believe in UFOs… and You Should, too.

06/13/2015 12:22pm
Why I Believe in UFOs and You Should, too. by NY Times best-selling author Steve Alten On Saturday December 14 th back in 2013 my wife and I saw our first UFO. It was just after 11 PM and we were driving home from the movies. We had just turned into our neighborhood when I looked up and saw these incredible amber lights moving in staggered pairs from south to north across a cloudless night sky. They werent traveling fast or at a very high altitude - maybe five hundred to a thousand feet, and they were...

Shrink Wrap or Unwrap: The Best Way To Achieve Your Goals

06/11/2015 08:56pm
"I can't afford it right now," Laine said in a small voice. I could feel even over the phone how her energy was shrinking, moving away from what she wanted but felt she couldn't have.Laine's not alone. Her dilemma is one we all face, over and over again, as we move through this journey as entrepreneurs.We want to expand, to grow, to reach out and hold what we so desire, but then the contradictory voices come up. 'I can't afford it', 'I can't do that', 'I don't know enough about that'. Even, 'it's not the right time' can be a message...

Trusting Your Food Cravings

06/04/2015 09:43pm
Hair Mineral Analysis helps us understand many food cravings. Most people tend to trust their food cravings. However, at deeper levels, often one is simply self-medicating to compensate for biochemical imbalances. For this reason, sticking with the recommended diet and not giving into your food cravings is often important for the success of nutritional balancing programs. Examples of how biochemical imbalances cause food cravings include: SALT CRAVING IS USUALLY DUE TO A LOW ENERGY LEVEL AND WEAK ADRENAL GLANDS, WHICH CAN CAUSE AN ABNORMAL LOSS OF SODIUM . Eating some good quality sea salt is helpful for most slow oxidizers, in...

Spirulina: Health or Hype?

05/29/2015 01:40am
I think most of us have heard of spirulina at one time or another (think green algae superfood). I know that I have. Truth be told, as I sit here writing this, I am not exactly sure what the health benefits of it are or how to use it. I know, pretty sad coming from a nutritionist, right? Believe it or not, we all have gaps in our knowledge. I'm fixing this one here and now. Let me go and do a bit of research and get back to you.OK, I'm back, and it feels good getting to know a tad...

Breaking Up With Sugar: 3 Tips to Help You Say Good-Bye

05/22/2015 12:18am
Do you finish a meal and find yourself almost immediately searching for a something sweet to top it off? Is it hard for you to pass by Dunkin Donuts without stopping in for something glazed? Do you have sugar cravings at random times throughout the day? If you're nodding in agreement, then it's time to break free from the grips of sugar.You may not realize it, but chances are, whatever you're eating has added sugars. In fact, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the average woman eats about 240 calories a day from added sugar which...