3 Things You Must Do In Business Or Else

02/04/2017 01:57pm
In this article, I will be teaching from one of my best-selling books, *17* Highly-Guarded Strategies to Close Every Sale Guaranteed Plus How to Combat the Fear of Closing. #1 Thing You Must Do in Business Build Qualified Leads Buying leads is a waste of time. Instead, activate a qualified lead, with someone who actually needs your services. Give away reports and one sheeters to anyone who shows interest in your business. Giving a lot of stuff out doesnt do or produce anything. When you want more clients, you have to generate leads....

Are You Wasting Your Time? 5 Turnarounds to Change Time Drains Into Time Well Spent

01/27/2017 02:13am
One of the resources that you have available to you that cant be recaptured, cant be built up again, is time. Once spent, it is lost to you.After that sobering beginning, lets focus on what we can do with our time and our energy.Lets look at how you may be wasting your time and how you can turn that around . Its often not that hard to make a shift that preserves your time for whats important . Time drain #1: Meetings Even with the value that social media brings, there is nothing that replaces...

Trends on Tap for Health & Fitness

01/23/2017 11:37pm
In providing advice and counsel for health and fitness I find my clients run the gamut from individuals focused on a personal plan, to health industry companies teaming up with employers to create plans supporting the company healthcare benefit goals. Both groups are interested in the trends related to health and fitness for 2017. My list this year includes items from food to fashion; ---here is a snapshot view of whats hot in getting physical this year. Wearable Technology Fitbits and health-data tracking watches began the trend in wearables. Among the latest items in the market shown at the recent...

Choose Gratitude for Well-Being

01/11/2017 01:41pm
As you celebrate the holidays and plan for a healthier more active you in the new year, give yourself a timeout. Take time to step away from the frenetic hustle and bustle and think seriously about gratitude during the year that is ending. One of my many caveats with my clients is to remind them that the well-being life has many facets and gratitude is one of the important elements.Dr. Robert A. Emmons, psychology professor at UC Berkley and leading scientific expert on gratitude shares that gratitude heals, energizes and transforms lives. In researching gratitude, Emmons found that those who...

Internet Privacy & Security - The Way You Want It!!!

01/05/2017 11:30am
Navia gearing up for INDIEGOGO Crowdfunding Campaign to redefine On/Off Road Mainstream Internet Activities Digital Equipment Communication Ltd (DEC) www.digitalequipment.co - an Irish Internet Tech Company: engaged within lines of ICT RD; using advanced computer technologies for knowledge management and innovative Virtual Private Networks for the creation encrypted devices. ZenMate (www.zenmate.com), a German VPN service provider, launched in 2014, backed with 3.2million, known for their software that encrypts web browsing by routing internet traffic through their network of servers to hide IP Address.DEC and ZenMate teaming up to drive industry transformation in Virtual Private Networks (VPN) cyber-security with a new envisioned...

Give the Gift of Presence: How to Improve Trust With Your Team and Clients

12/26/2016 09:21pm
I was sitting in my doctors office. Shed just done an examfor causes of my vertigo (fortunately benign) and was speedily typing her notesinto the computer.A little hesitantly, I said, I forgot, I have anotherquestion. She immediately stopped typing, and swiveled her chair to face me, expectant. I asked my question, andafter fully answering it, she turned back to the computer.Wow, I thought. That was an awesome example of presence. Ifelt seen. I felt heard. I felt important to her.That kind of presence has unfortunately become more rare inthe business world, as we all feel pressed for time. We all have...

Be Food Safe ---Always

12/26/2016 12:45pm
Food safety is one issue that we should always keep top-of-mind. Here are a few basic guidelines to remember during this season of the noshes, nibbles, buffets, potlucks, and office parties that are key to food safety. Wash Your Hands Hand washing is essential. Hand washing in warm soapy water will eliminate many of the culprits that can cause food-borne illnesses as well as the common cold and flu. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends washing your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after preparing food. Not sure how long 20 seconds is? If you sing...

How to have Fun with Day-To-Day Project Management

12/08/2016 04:44am
Project Management is serious business; it takes a perfect symphony of people, processes, tools and culture for a project to be successful. As complex as daunting as it can be, the project management discipline provides ample scope for those involved to have fun. With a simple change in perspective, Project managers can infuse fun into mundane day-to-day project management activities. How you ask? Read on Gamify Task Management Tools dominate task management activities in enterprises. Project managers take care of most of the delegation and monitoring of tasks on project management tools and rightly so. However, over the period of...

Low Carb Diet and Gut Health: Are we doing more harm than good?

11/22/2016 12:40am
Low-carb diets are all the rage right now, and with good reason. They have shown promising results in promoting weight loss and encouraging people to eat less white flour, sugar, and other unhealthy foods. Hard to argue with that. Im on board.Unfortunately, many get easily swept up into the low-carb diet craze without a full knowledge of how to construct a healthy diet within those parameters. What do most then focus on? Protein and fats. Out the window go foods like fruits, starchy vegetables, whole grains, and sometimes dairy.Whats the big deal? Well, research is now indicating that diets such as...

Decoding the Path to Success, Through the Eyes of Our Heroes

11/11/2016 04:13pm
Heroes are examples of how to stay the course, how to succeed, how to sustain our attitudes, how to keep life in balance. Some are there daily, in our conscious mind, showing us the way. Someone we will never forget. Its What You Do Next That Counts Going to college for me meant that I had to pay for it. Room, board, tuition, books, all of it. Its not so uncommon. In the summer after my freshman year if you wanted to make a lot of money.. legally.. you needed to do...

How I Turned Getting Fired Into the Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

11/09/2016 05:22pm
Twenty years ago, I was fired from my corporate job. After being walked out of the building afterthe meeting with my boss and the HR director, I sat in my car and burst intotears. I was devastated.True, I didnt enjoy being in corporate. True, I knew thatchoosing to stand up to my boss in front of her boss 2 weeks before would be atbest a career-limiting move, and at worst would be the reason I got fired. Still, it felt humiliating.Its one thing to wish your work was different. Its anotherto be told, you cant work here anymore. We dont...

The Hard Lessons

11/07/2016 12:57pm
The hard lessons in life are the ones what mold us into stronger individuals. Although they are hard to learn, there is a larger, better message in them. Holding on to those emotions can be damaging, which can hurt physically and mentally. Mentally we cannot see the big picture which we will not grow from this hurtful lesson, thus a wasted opportunity. But if we would take this opportunity and mold it into our being and walk through it, knowing we will survive. Thats when something new grows from the ashes, this will be a new journey, our new beginning.

What exactly is the IB Program?

11/02/2016 10:58am
What exactly is the IB Program? The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is an internationally-recognized diploma. It is authorized and issued by the non-profit Geneva-based International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), which was established in 1968 with the mission to enable students develop an international mindset and prepare them for participation in an increasingly global society. The IB diploma is recognized by many colleges. Where do you pursue an IB diploma? Almost 4000 schools across 148 countries offer the IB program. Its global nature is a big draw to parents seeking to prepare their children for global...

3 FAFSA Deadlines to Watch Out For

11/02/2016 10:53am
Deadlines are the arch enemy of every student across the country. When you are busy with classes, taking part in extracurricular activities; it is quite easy to forget about FAFSA application deadlines till you hear the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. There are some critical deadlines that you should not miss out on, especially if you are applying for a federal aid. If you delay your FAFSA submission, you are forfeiting the federal faucet that will pay for your college tuition. There are three main deadlines that you need to keep track of. Let us take a look...

5 Infectious Diseases of Small Business and Their Cures

10/27/2016 05:56pm
Your business can come down with maladies, wheezing and coughing and not functioning as well as it can. The infection can spread until multiple parts of your business are affected. You can cure them if you make the right diagnosis and take action. Bug #1. Nostrategitis. Lack of strategy is a common ailment among small businesses. Its common because nobody teaches strategy for small business. Theres so much focus on action that no one tells you to take the time to think about the big picture. ...