How to Get Past Your Fear of Visibility and Build Your Brand

02/09/2018 05:23pm
As Ive created my business, worked with many clients, and had conversations with fascinating people about their impact, one theme has popped up repeatedly. In order to be successful and to have impact, you have to be visible. Not just your business. You.That can be terrifying! I know it has been for me at times.Visibility can stir up a lot of feelings you might otherwise be able to hide or disguise. When it comes to visibility, gluing a big mustache on your fear just isnt enough.Visibility goes beyond putting your picture on your website and other marketing materials. Visibility is about...

Can Diet Calm an Anxious Mind?

02/02/2018 11:16am
Anxiety. Its a common ailment. When my clients list their medical history, anxiety is often on the list. It seems to be more prevalent than ever. Maybe we are now recognizing and diagnosing it more often, but it is not uncommon for a person of any age, even children, to report various levels of anxiety.What is anxiety? Many confuse it with stress, but its actually more than that. Whereas stress is the bodys physical response in the moment to a situation, anxiety differs in that the physical response continues far after the situation is over. It is almost as if there...

6 Smart Money Moves For 2018

01/22/2018 12:01pm
2017 was all about Living Your Best Life and while many of you were doing so, you may have forgotten the basics, staying on a budget. Walking into the new year, you want to make the best decisions when it comes to your money. One of the many new years resolutions is always a savings goal, but lets go beyond the saving goal, lets target your money moves for 2018 ! nbsp; nbsp; 1. Get on A Budget If you dont already have a budget, its never too late to start. When it comes to budgeting, we are always...

Why Discernment Makes You and Your Business Better

01/21/2018 11:19pm
The ability to make good choices is what makes your income grow.This discernment also helps you have more impact, to make a positive difference with your business.Its a choice between adding everything you feel anxious about that day to your to-do list vs. being disciplined to make the discerning choice to choose the top 3.When you discern the top 3, you are much more likely to achieve them that day.Discernments like this build your sense of self, your inner integrity. You have kept your promise to yourself. You made a commitment and you followed through.Discernment empowers you. You have a sense...

Is This Your Year To Have More Impact?

01/13/2018 12:33am
Its a new year, which means an opportunity for new beginnings. The beginning of more impact for you and your business. Impact is more than a mission, more than a purpose.Impact is where your uniqueness, your unique voice, meets the needs and desires of the world. Its where only you can uniquely contribute in a meaningful and powerful way. Having impact isnt an accident. Its a decision. A decision to bring out the best in yourself. To bring out the best in your business.Ive been an entrepreneur for quite a long time, almost 22 years. Its been a great journey of...

Are diets one size fits all? Research suggests not all diets are created equal when it comes to your

12/29/2017 10:02pm
Once again Im pondering the research around diets. First of all, I hate the word diet. It implies some sort of rigorous eating plan that once completed, will solve all your health problems and somehow miraculously allow you to resume former habits. Or, it alludes to something you hop on/off a couple times per year in hopes of staving off weight gain.Diet is actually defined as the foods a person or animal habitually eats. In that sense, the way we use diet is all wrong. For most, diets have a foreseeable end, whereas a diet in actuality is the way you...

Do You Have To Wait To Have Impact?

12/21/2017 09:32pm
When it comes to having impact, making a difference in the world, you can be deceived into thinking that you have to wait.Wait until Your business is big Your revenue reaches 1 million Some event happens when you suddenly have more wisdom, more time, or more permission to have impact. Is that you? Have you been waiting? Abraham Maslow, in his famous Hierarchy of Needs, theorized that people couldnt begin to make contributions to society or even develop themselves as people until basic...

‘Tis the Time for Mindful Eating: Danielle’s 5 Key Tips to Surviving the Holiday Food Deluge

12/02/2017 12:09am
Oh yeah, here they come again, the holidays! Its funny because it is a time we all look forward to and yet there is still this dread . the dread of weeks of overeating and the unavoidable weight gain. For many its quite predictable. In fact, the average American gains 7-10 pounds during the months of November and December. But really, who can resist all those delectable holiday treats?Many, on the other hand, never gain an extra pound over the holidays. I am usually one of those. Thats because you are a dietitian and never enjoy food anyways you say. No...

The Most Powerful Conversation You Can Have With a Prospect

11/25/2017 03:52am
On the other end of the phone, a prospective supplier was nattering on about a software platform that many of her clients use. I had just said, I dont use that system and dont have an interest in adopting it, and gave my reasons.This is a great example of how we (yes, I include myself here too!) can really get off track when talking with someone who is a possible client. Its tempting to talk about what we know, instead of what the prospective client wants to know. Instead of listening to what I was saying, she rambled on about things...

Who the Bleep Is Running Your Business Anyway?

11/02/2017 09:55pm
OK, that was a little harsh. But really, its a valid and oh so important question.As entrepreneurs, we can so easily get derailed. The temptations are many, and they center around one thing.You are not connected with yourself.When thats the case, its easier to look outside of yourself for answers.Without that connection, you can open yourself up to a lot of aimless wandering. Enter the gremlins. Gremlin #1. I can tell you what to do. Oh crap, this one I have both experienced and observed. And its not pretty.The well-meaning tool-wielder who wants to tell you who you are and from...

Skipping breakfast hardens your arteries? More reasons to charge up in the morning with a healthy (a

10/25/2017 12:25am
According to a recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, those who skip breakfast are more likely to experience atherosclerosis, aka hardening of the arteries, than those who ate a daily, healthy meal in the morning. 1 The connection, it appears, is that those who are breakfast skippers tend to have more unhealthy diets and lifestyles than those who dont. They found in the study that overall, those who opt to skip breakfast had poorer diets, were more likely to have high blood pressure or be overweight, and were more likely to smoke or consume alcohol...

The Surprising Thing You Should Do If You’re Too Busy

10/05/2017 09:28pm
So busy you cant think? Thats not an uncommon situation for entrepreneurs. You work like crazy to get a flow of clients. Then you work like crazy to do the work that those clients want.It can get to be a cycle of busyness, leading to poor decisions and a negative impact on your well-being and health. Ironically, your productivity suffers too. As busy as you are, the best thing you can do in times like that is to slow down. Slow down! You might be thinking, thats impossible!Its not as impossible as you might thing. More about that in a second.Beyond...

What to do when a prospect breaks your heart

09/28/2017 10:08pm
Have you ever had a prospect say they want to work with you, and they suddenly decide to go with another company?Have you ever poured energy into helping a prospect make a decision, with great content and multiple conversations, and then they have one conversation with another provider and decide to work with them?Who hasnt had these disappointments in their business? Weve all been there.I once had a prospect (lets call him Larry) who Id been talking to about working together for over a year. We agreed wed like to work together, but Larry felt the time wasnt right. I respected...

How Big Does My Business Impact Have To Be?

09/21/2017 05:37pm
Heres some great news: businesses that consciously focus on impact, on making a positive difference, have 12-14 times more income than businesses that just focus on profit.Impact is not a nice-to-have. Its not an add-on. Its an integral part of your business vision and strategy.You may be thinking, Ill focus on my impact once I make more money. I cant have impact without more income.The truth is, you dont have to wait for some future ideal condition to have impact.Your plans for impact can be built right into your business from the start. When you do that, not only...

How To Improve the Effectiveness of Your Presentations

08/31/2017 10:25pm
Whether youre up in front of a client, a networking group, or a conference audience, the success of your presentation depends on who you are as you present . Its whats in you that matters as much as what you do and say.Your energy. Your enthusiasm. And Im just going to come out and say it: your love.Ive upped my game in the past year when it comes to presentations. The outcomes have been striking. More visibility. More conversations with prospective customers. More word-of-mouth. More clients.For this improvement, I have many presentation masters to thank, but two stand out: Nancy...