Stop Arguing for Your (and Your Company’s) Limitations

10/20/2018 01:47am
Your choices are very powerful. When you make choices that are world-class, youll get world-class results. Mediocre choices? Mediocre results. Most of us spend a lot of energy justifying bad behavior. How many times have you ignored your best self and gone ahead and done that thing you swore youd never do again, making an excuse? I was in a rush. It doesnt really matter its only this one time. Chances are, its happened already today. When your actions arent congruent with your values, it creates instant dissonance. Stress. And since impact is anchored in your values, reduced...

11 Ways Investing in Impact Helps Your Business

10/07/2018 10:47pm
Youve bought into the idea that investing in your business is a good idea. Youve seen the results in action, the return on investment. ROI is by no means a guarantee. It never is. You do your due diligence and research, and then you decide if its worth the calculated risk for the return you want. What is guaranteed, though, is that without investment - of time, energy, and money - there is no return. The decision to invest in a strategic shift can be most challenging, because the benefits are often delayed. Why do it? Because strategy drives everything in...

5 Business Lessons I Learned From My Mom

09/17/2018 12:38am
Who would you expect to be Shark Tank investor Barbara Corcorans most important mentor? Barbara says in her new podcast, Business Unusual, that her mom was her best teacher when it came to business. Ive been fortunate to have had several mentors (I always have at least one coach, usually more), and I value them all. But Barbaras podcast got me thinking. How did what my mom taught me influence me in my business? My mom wasnt a businesswoman, but she should have been. She managed money like a champ. She worked miracles with a small budget. She was a...

How to Go from Overwhelmed to Productive

09/08/2018 08:14pm
When youre in the middle of overwhelm territory in your business, its hard to find the map or GPS to find your way out. Here are 3 strategies to guide you: 1. Ask yourself: Is my overwhelm a stand-in for something else? Overwhelm can mask other things, like fear. Are you starting something new? Do you have a big undertaking and you dont know whats next? That fear of the unknown can pop up when you least want to see it. Knowing that fear is going to rise up, find ways to calm...

10 Profound Insights from Impactful Entrepreneurs

08/24/2018 11:13pm
Wouldnt you love to have Seth Godin, Marianne Williamson, and Prince Ea give you advice about your impact? You can! Those are just three of the impactful entrepreneurs Ive interviewed on the Work Alchemy podcast. And every time, I ask them: what advice would you give an entrepreneur who wants to make a difference, to contribute more, to have more impact? So here are 10 profound insights from the famous and not-so-famous, all impactful entrepreneurs and leaders. (Note: slightly edited to make the conversion from conversation to the written word more easily understood, but its as close as can be): 1....

Share This to Build Customer Connection

08/13/2018 07:56am
Truth #1: Every buying decision begins with a connection. If you want to increase your income, build connections with your customers. Truth #2: People want to be part of something bigger than themselves. We all want to contribute somehow, and most of us what to do so in a way that makes the world a better place. The happy place where those two truths meet is where youre able to connect with your customers around something bigger. Businesses that are built around impact, around making a positive difference in the world, do 12-14 times better financially. So how do you find...

How Being a Disruptor Can Serve Your Business and the World

07/28/2018 12:56am
Were all living through a period of significant disruption. When the seas are rough, the temptation is to hunker down, batten down the hatches, and hope you survive until it all blows over. But what if disruption represents an opportunity, an opportunity for your business? Then it makes sense to let go, expose yourself to the wind and waves, and see where the opportunity takes you. Big-time disruptors like Richard Branson sure have rocked the business world with his unorthodox approach, being a sometimes outrageous voice and defying all predictions that excelling in multiple sectors would never work. Hes...

I Want To Quit

04/12/2018 09:22pm
What a wannabe entrepreneur might say: I want to quit. Its too hard. Im not making enough money. I dont like marketing. Im afraid Ill fail. I want to quit. What a real entrepreneur would say: I want to quit wasting my time on unimportant things, and focus on the impact that my business and I could have instead. I want to quit reinventing the wheel, and instead invent systems that will help things run smoothly in my business. I want to quit worrying about the people who dont like what Im doing, the naysayers, and instead focus on the people...

Is the D Word Holding You Back? Discipline and Your Business

04/05/2018 10:38pm
Even disciplined people say they cant do discipline well! What is it about self discipline thats so scary?Entrepreneurs tend to be motivated at least partially by self-determination, our ability to decide how our time and energy will be used. Thats a premium level perk of entrepreneurship for me. And I suspect for you too. Discipline can feel like somebody making you do something when you dont want to. Discipline can suggest a rigidity that is the antithesis of creativity. Where will we get our great ideas if were not following that shiny object?Being free-flowing and responsive to opportunity is a...

10 Small Steps That Make a Big Difference

03/16/2018 12:14pm
In your business, it can seem like big decisions are all-important. In truth, its the small things that can trip you up. And its the small things that add up to create big change and enormous benefits. Like money invested over time, small steps have a compound effect. Your choice to take small steps that benefit you, your business, and your impact really do shape your destiny. Here are 10 small things you can do that will make a big difference in your business: 1. Thank people . Your team, clients, suppliers, family, friends....

How to Do Purple Smokey Eye Makeup Tutorial

03/11/2018 03:06am
Mostly girls like to enhance their beauty further and if you know the art of perfect make then you can get ultimate and beautiful look by applying appropriate makeup. Here in this article we are going to tell you How to Do Purple Smokey Eye Makeup Tutorial . To get the Classy Look of then you have to follow this post and do the procedure what it tells you and after that you will be able to get the ultimate look of Purple Eye Make for Brown Eyes with combination of black color. This is going...

How to Overcome the Pain of Discomfort and Grow Your Business

03/02/2018 02:12pm
If theres one thing that has been my constant companion when I focus on growth in my business, its discomfort! The discomfort is always associated with doing something new, or doing it in a new way. Like learning how to do videos for marketing, or effectively managing a team. New is good in your business, because it means youre experimenting, testing out what works and what doesnt. It means your business is growing. It also means that youre growing too. Growth of any kind, personal or business, means reaching that familiar edge and stepping beyond it. That can feel...

5 Factors That Alter Patient Perception

02/15/2018 04:18pm
I was recently attending a conference which focused on helping residents transition into new chief year leadership roles. One of the talks centered around perception and focused on how the way people perceive you, your motives, your goals, etc., can truly alter your effectiveness as a teacher/leader.This discussion led me to start considering how quality patient care is produced - obviously leading patients is quite similar to leading others in your field, some aspects of being a great clinician must overlap with being a great leader. In considering my experience as a patient, which thankfully has pretty much been limited to...

Personal Health Researchers in the Days of Dr. Google

02/15/2018 04:15pm
The ability to access health information via the internet is creating a generation of empowered, informed patients. While this is almost always beneficial to both patients and the patient-physician relationship, it does call for changes to traditional counseling methods. Widespread access to myriad health information sources has divided patients into two subsets those who prefer traditional counseling and those who become personal health researchers or PHRs.While some patients will continue to enjoy the freedom of arriving with a question or concern, getting a diagnosis and following a treatment plan, others feel more satisfied with their care if they are able...

Why The Cell-Free Fetal DNA Test is a Game-Changer

02/15/2018 04:08pm
As a practicing OB/GYN, I feel lucky to be working in a field so full of promise and with space for advancement of medical technology. Although prospects of improved fetal imaging, cervical cancer prevention, and techniques of minimally invasive surgery are game-changing, new discoveries in the genetics arena of our field strike me as simply incredible.Prenatal genetic testing has only been reasonably available to mothers since about 1970, and at that time was limited to invasive testing using amniocentesis, which carried significant risks. Although amnio still has a place in obstetrics, the availability of bedside ultrasound has improved the safety profile...