The Huna Way of Forgiveness

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Have you ever felt like you were holding a grudge against someone, even after you had consciously tried to forgive?All of us, at one time or another, need to forgive. It may be our spouse or a friend. It may be a co-worker or former employer. After the mortgage and financial crises, some people may harbor resentment against real estate or stock brokers they feel gave them bad advice.In our hearts we know that holding onto negative feelings against others only harms us. So why is it so hard to forgive?Huna, the ancient Hawaiian system of my lineage and life experience,...

Pono: The Path to Forgiveness

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Have you ever felt like you were holding a grudge against someone, even after you had consciously tried to forgive?All of us need to forgive. It may be our spouse or a friend. It may be a co-worker or a former employer. After the mortgage and financial crises, some people may harbor resentment against real estate agents or stockbrokers they feel gave them bad advice. Wouldnt it be great to start 2010 with a clean slate?In our hearts we know that holding onto negative feelings against others only harms us. So why is it so hard to forgive?Huna, the ancient Hawaiian...

Facebook Over Face Time: When technology keeps you from those you love

11/16/2010 05:06pm
All of todays wonderful technology allows us to stay in touch like never before with extended networks of people. But it comes with a downside.The more time we spend surfing the Web, Tweeting or updating our Facebook friends, the less time we have to interact with those closest to us. Some people know more about what is going on with their Facebook friends than they do about their actual friends and kids. Unless you friend your kids on Facebook, you may have no idea what they are doing today.Among the thousands of people Ive taught, I often hear people complain they...

Keep Your Love Growing: Huna principles for healthy relationships

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Recently there have been two cases where people actually dialed 911 looking for a date or a husband (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v4p5W5yuy_JE and http://www.newser.com/story/92116/drunk-woman-to-911-operator-find-me-a-husband.html). These extreme examples show very bad judgment, but they also point to the desperation and loneliness that many people live with.Huna, the ancient Hawaiian discipline of energy, consciousness and healing, teaches principles that people can use to find a soul mate and keep their relationships healthy. The most important thing is that there needs to be a unity in relationship a union without a disintegration of the things that made the two individuals before the relationship.From a Huna perspective...

The Secret to Happiness: Find your own joy and it will spread

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Recently, my 11-year-old and I were talking about what parents want most for our children. I explained to him that the big three I hear all the time in my workshops are wanting our children to be happy, wanting our kids to become successful, and wanting our children to be good people.I went on to explain to my son that unfortunately, you cant actually be in charge of someone else's happiness or success. In fact, the only thing that you can truly be in charge of is whether your kids are good.At end of the day everyone needs to be in...

Dancing with the Media Stars

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Building a relationship with the media is a dance, and just like a good dance partner you cant step on their toes. If you want to Salsa and the media wants to Waltz, youre going to have some problems (and look ridiculous.) Thats why research is so important. Its not that hard to figure out what will interest the media outlet; it usually just takes a visit to their website. And once you know what they want and more importantly what they dont you can say to yourself, either, No, pitching them will be a waste of both their...

Partners, Not Problems

11/16/2010 05:06pm
If you were to ask me about my PR firms competition, you would only hear good things. Really! Eight years ago my friend and mentor Joan Stewart shared these words of wisdom with me that even in this economy I still believe ring true: Theres enough business to go around. I really took that idea to heart and have made a great effort to never turn away from, or ignore, other firms specializing in the same areas my firm does. Im definitely aware of what our competition is doing and how were distinct and different from them, but I dont...

Empowering the Media to Boost Your Exposure

11/16/2010 05:06pm
In all the major cities and smaller markets across the U.S., news reporters, editors and producers are planning their coverage for the day, the hour, or in the case of weeklies and magazines, weeks or months ahead. The old news cycle in which newspaper reporters filed their stories for the next days paper is history. Now those same reporters and editors are planning what Web updates they will make throughout the day to stories already underway, as well as which stories they will roll out online and which ones will wait for the next print edition.The best reporters have a knack...

PR Tips for Writers: Tools for promoting and publishing your dream book

11/16/2010 05:06pm
So you have written that book you have dreamed of writing for years and now want to get it published. What next?For more than 15 years, I have represented numerous authors through my company, Wasabi Publicity Inc. I also worked in a publishing house soon after graduating college. I have seen many publishing strategies, some more successful than others.The Web gives you opportunities not only to publicize and sell your book, but also to develop your work interactively with your readers.Give yourself the best chance for success by using both traditional and online PR tools to build interest in your book....

From Typewriters to Twitter: How the Internet Changed PR Pitching

11/16/2010 05:06pm
It used to be phone and mail were it. Publicists used to plunk out cover letters on their typewriters, and then mail editors their pitch. Things are definitely different, but the game is still played the same. It seems now that we have less people doing more work on both the medias and the publicists ends of the spectrum. But whether its from a typewriter or from Twitter, what prevails is the relationship. And you cant build a relationship with the media if you dont connect with them.With the advent of the Internet, finding the media has never been...

Using Headlines & Hooks to Grab the Media’s Attention

11/16/2010 05:06pm
The pitch is your gateway to PR success. A valuable tool in building quality relationships with the media, your pitch should always be simple, clear and concise. Anyone doing his or her own PR has the ability to create the perfect pitch and score media coverage. Many times something usually minor is holding the pitch back. A common misstep some DIYers make when crafting their pitch is not tying it to breaking news with headlines and hooks. Just as the media uses news hooks to grab our attention, you have to use these hooks to catch the medias eye.Whats...

PR to the People: Tips for Marketing and Branding Yourself

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Whether you are looking for a job, thinking of starting your own business or even steadily working for someone else, this is a good time to start marketing and branding yourself.Companies have long known the importance of making a name for their products and services to set themselves apart from their competition. Todays rapidly shifting economy combined with our increasingly Web-driven communications make it essential for individuals to constantly assess, update and promote their skills.OK, you say, I understand why Microsoft, Apple, Nike, Kelloggs, Campbells and Nabisco brand themselves. Im not a computer, a shoe or a can of soup.Well, just...

Six Tips to Recession-Proof Your Perspective

11/16/2010 05:06pm
When I got ready to launch my latest business, PitchRate.com, the economic news fell into two categories: grim and grimmer.Economists had not yet seen the bottom of the recession back in February. Even now, as they begin whispering the word recovery, job losses continue. Some experts predict slow economic growth will continue for years.But those of us starting new businesses cant wait for the gloomy economic forecasts to abate, nor can existing businesses drop anchor and wait for the storms to subside.Instead, we all have to look at the recession as another opportunity. Trimming our sails, we learn to tack with...

Get the Oprah Effect in Your Own Backyard: For the best PR in any media, be poised, to the point and pay it forward

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Theres nothing quite like the exposure you get appearing before the 44 million viewers who tune into Oprah each week.The Oprah Effect is famous for its ability to boost national sales, making millionaires out of some and saving others from bankruptcy. Getting your book or product reviewed on Oprah is considered the Holy Grail of PR accomplishments.Susan Harrow, who recently appeared on the CNBC documentary, The Oprah Effect, studied The Oprah Winfrey Show over 15 years and interviewed prestigious publicists and guests about the strategies they used to get on the show for her recently updated book The Ultimate Guide to...

PR - The Ultimate Stimulus Package: How to get your word out for free

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Imagine you could publicize your company or product to countless potential customers at no cost. You can.PR, both online and in traditional media, offers the ultimate stimulus package for small businesses seeking to jumpstart their recovery.Marketing on the Internet can also help level the playing field between small companies and their larger competitors. The key is to carefully craft and target messages about your brand to the most likely potential customers.Now, more than ever, the Internet offers ways to connect with anyone you want to connect with for little or no money. One way is to take advantage of free news...