A Little PR Can Go a Long Way

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Hiring a publicist or doing your own PR isnt something most small business owners or entrepreneurs really want to do. Youre busy running the day-to-day operations that keep the doors to your business open and investing the little time and money you may have just doesnt seem feasible or realistic. Sound familiar? But think about this. Whether youre just starting out or have been in business for a few years, media exposure is valuable to your success just a little work on your PR campaign a day can produce tremendous results.At the very least you have to...

Six Tips to Stay Relevant in Today’s Economy

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Opportunity doesnt always loudly knock. Sometimes it whispers in plain sight, but we may not see it.We all have preconceived notions about what business success or failure looks like. We are all bombarded with constant news about the state of the economy, good or bad. It is all too easy to get caught up in worry or elation and forget the most important thing about opportunity its up to us to seize it.It may seem counterintuitive. Our tendency during lean times is to hold onto what weve got and avoid taking chances. In fact just the opposite is wise. Theres...

Pitching the (Seemingly Unresponsive) Media

11/16/2010 05:06pm
The biggest difference between pitching the media and pitching to a Major League slugger is that the Major League slugger will hit your bad pitches out of the park. When pitching the media, you have to throw perfect pitches to the media every time. No curve, breaking or knuckle balls they have to be right down the center of the plate. Since the use of human growth hormones and steroids hasnt caught on in the media, youll want to make it easy for them. Heres some ways to get your media pitch knocked out of the park:Use a news hook...

Leveraging Media Coverage to Grow Your Business

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Theres no question you aspire to take your business to the next level. But where the doubt lies is in how to do it. You may have tried networking, Internet marketing or advertising only to come out in the end with fewer clients than you expected and more expenses than you anticipated. You want to attract loyal customers and increase your profits thats part of the equation but you long for some magical solution. Its no secret that media coverage is by far the best means out there to take you and your business to the next level. But...

Using Online Press Kits to Increase Book Sales

11/16/2010 05:06pm
If youre an author, media coverage is the best and most cost-effective way to increase your books sales. What media coverage does, that no ad can do, is build your credibility among your target audience. When they hear an interview with you on a local radio program, read a newspaper article where youve been used as an expert source or watch a television segment featuring you, your book and your expertise, the audience is engaged. And an engaged audience is who will purchase your book. Most people skim right over ads in magazines or newspapers, not paying any attention to them....

Six Steps For Getting National Media Coverage

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Getting national media coverage in top print, broadcast or online media can boost your business in ways it is hard to imagine. A single placement in a glossy national magazine is worth tens of thousands of dollars, sometimes a lot more, and not just in the value of ad space in the publication. Getting covered by national media lends a level of credibility, prestige and buzz that money cannot buy.At Wasabi Publicity Inc., we sent out a pitch that landed author Dr. Jill Murray on Dr. Phils TV show less than eight hours after she had signed up as a client....

Connecting with Bloggers to Promote Your Book

11/16/2010 05:06pm
When it comes to promoting your book you cant forget about bloggers. Successful bloggers have a targeted and engaged audience that you would love the opportunity to reach out to. Whether its self-help, green-living, finance you name it the people who follow these blogs look to the blogger as someone who represents their voice and provides new and cool insights into whats cutting-edge in their niche. Before you begin pitching bloggers, youll have to find them first. Its easy to search on Google for bloggers related to your expertise. If youre a green-living author, you can simply type in...

Keep a Personal Touch Online: Social Networking Tips for Writers

11/16/2010 05:06pm
Have you ever had someone tell you they were slammed with work only to find their Facebook page full of frequent frivolous activity?Or maybe you have been surprised by a rude, off-the-cuff remark on Twitter?Social networking offers boundless potential for authors and writers to promote their works to a wide audience online. Just remember to avoid some common etiquette pitfalls.Keeping a personalized touch makes all the difference. Let the Golden Rule govern your behavior online, and treat people and situations as you would face to face:Share Provide valuable information that people can use. When I am networking online, I offer...