Is Your Business Getting Enough Exercise?

04/08/2017 11:30am
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.This quote from Wayne Dyer highlights one of the big truths of having your own business. Your choices define what happens. Are you exercising your opportunities to make good choices? Do they serve you and your business? Those are questions to ask yourself, especially when youre busy and its easy to slip into being reactive.Exercise your freedom of choice to be responsive instead.This is especially important when dealing with your customers. Make conscious choices about how you want to respond.Customer responsiveness doesnt just mean answering quickly ,...

Are Supplements Necessary?

04/03/2017 11:55pm
There has been a lot of talk regarding the necessity, or not, of vitamin supplementation. Some argue that our poor, inadequate diets require it. Others purport that we glean enough from the variety of foods we eat in addition to fortification of grains, so taking supplements is just a huge waste of money. Who are we to believe?I get asked this question every day. Should I be taking a supplement? My answer? It depends. I agree that not everyone needs a supplement. Our ancestors went without popping pills every day and arguably did ok, in most cases. Maybe this fight against...

Restrict or Liberalize? Therapeutic Diets for Older Adults with Cardiovascular Disease

03/09/2017 10:58pm
Richard is an 88 year old male who was hospitalized post myocardial infarction (MI) for placement of a stent and management of heart failure. Other than a diagnosis of hypertension which has been under control with medications since age 70, he had been healthy and living independently with his wife in their home. Prior to the MI, he was eating a regular diet and either walking or using a stationary bike daily. However since the MI, his cardiologist has drastically restricted his physical activity, and ordered a low fat, low cholesterol, 2 gram sodium diet. His medications include 75 mg atenolol...


02/23/2017 11:09pm
WHAT IS THE DIFFEREENCE BETWEEN A CHIROPRACTOR AND A PHYSIOTHERAPISTSomething I have clients ask every so often, is what the difference is between physiotherapists and Chiropractors, such as myself. The truth is there are some similarities but the education and philosophies/approach are world apart. What are the similarities?Both are regulated professions around the worldBoth are highly trained and have to take lots of examsBoth used evidence based research and continue their education as part of a CPD processBoth treat all ages but they arent limited to merely musculoskeletal problems What makes them different?Chiropractic takes 5 years of study, including a year...


02/23/2017 11:08pm
More and more people in Singapore are starting to wake up and realise that the old medical method of taking medication and painkillers isn't working! Many people will have a problem and visit the GP, the GP gives them a piece of paper with a prescribed medication (without taking even ONE test) and they take the medication for hoping the pain goes away. People think the pain is gone so the problem is fixed, however this isnt true. Judging if we are healthy or not based on the presence of pain is not a good indicator ...


02/23/2017 11:07pm
Chiropractic is a developed and recognised profession, however here in Singapore a lot of people still arent sure what we do! Lots of people understand that chiropractors adjust the joints of the body and it leads to less back pain, shoulder pain, headaches and many other benefits. But how does it actually work? But what is causing my discomfort?Throughout your whole body there are nerves. This is the electrical system of our body, transmitting information up and down. For example take the hand. The nerves relay the information down from the brain telling our hand to move it when we...


02/23/2017 11:05pm
Every year hundreds of children lose their lives in traffic accidents, with thousands more being injured. While it is true that safety belts save countless lives, there are still other practices that should be enforced to keep your children safe! What happens during a car crash? When you are in a car accident the force of the vehicles colliding produces inertia, which passes the impact of the crash into the car and into us. This hurls our bodies about, producing huge forces especially on our spines and necks. When we are hit from behind it knocks our heads forward and...


02/18/2017 01:28am
Many Singaporeans have been told by doctors they have sciatica, but what does this scary word mean? And is it actually a bad thing?Sciatica is a general term for pain affecting the back, hip, and the leg. This is usually caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back. Depending where the person feels the pain it will point to what the cause is. If the pain is in the buttock it will be from interference in one part of the spine, but if the pain is in the toes it will be due to interference in another...


02/17/2017 12:23am
When asked, most people would agree that exercise is an important part of becoming and staying healthy. This is part of the reason why the government has made being active more accessible, producing sports centres, public courts, exercise centres in parks and funding a number of organised sport clubs. This has led to many people being active, engaging in running and a variety of sports and lots of residents setting up their own classes. Businesses have also seen the worth in their employees exercising, with many companies offering gym memberships. I have even seen aerobics classes in banks long after theyve...


02/17/2017 12:10am
Many people have experienced pain in their shoulders and arms, especially those who sit more for their work. I see lots of clients that tell me they go for regular massages or acupuncture but the pain always comes back. Is it a problem in the shoulder and arm or is it from somewhere else? What is the shoulder? Our shoulder is made up of our upper arm, our shoulder blade and our upper chest. This has lots of muscles, bones, ligaments and nerves in the area. When we have proper posture and a healthy strength of muscles then the parts...


02/16/2017 11:58pm
Headaches are any pain or aches that people feel in their head (duh!). These can be mild to severe and can last seconds to weeks. The most common causes are improper blood flow and nerve irritation. Headaches are very common and are heavily linked to stress and emotional distress. Everyone knows somebody who has had a headache when they have lots of work to do, study too hard or were having problems affecting their lives. This is especially prevalent in developed cities where the demands and levels of competition are high. Are there different types of Headaches? Migraines:Migraines are...


02/16/2017 11:47pm
Pain in the knees is a complex issue and to truly understand why it is happening we must examine our lifestyle as well as physically examining our knees, hips, ankles and low backs. Why not just look at the knee? Your leg bone connected to your knee bone, Your knee bone connected to your thigh bone Just like the song suggests, all parts of our body are connected. If one part moves or changes it will affect the parts closest to it, which will in turn...


02/16/2017 11:36pm
Lots of people have been told by doctors that they have a slipped disc, but how many of us know what it actually means? They are most common in people aged 25-50 and around a third of adults experience low back pain, but less than 1 in 20 people have a slipped disc. What are discs? And how do they get injured? The discs are the shock absorbers of the spine; they allow us flexibility and protect the spinal bones (vertebrae) to make sure they arent touching so that the nerves have lots of space to pass information to the body....


02/16/2017 03:33am
Many people experience low back pain, with studies suggesting that more than 80% of people will experience low back pain at some point. This article will explain the reason it happens and whether this is normal or not. What is it? Low back pain is discomfort affecting the small of your back and almost exclusively originates from the spine. The spinal nerves at the bottom of the back (n area called the lumbar spine), sends information to the skin, muscles, ligaments and everything else in the low back, groin, legs, ankles and feet. Even though its a relatively small part of...

Increase Your Income: Use Switch and Scale to Leverage What You Already Have

02/11/2017 10:36pm
You dont have to start from scratch to create revenue in your business. You already have a great deal available to you, more than you may think .To find those opportunities, use leverage. Leverage is the ability to optimize what you have already in place.Dont overlook or underutilize this ability its a great source of revenue!Here are 2 ways you can increase your income with leverage:1. The Switch Do you offer a service? You can often readily identify a product that you can offer too. Switching products to services or vice...