How to Form a Nonprofit Organization - The Simple Yet Comprehensive Checklist

03/06/2020 03:02pm
Starting a nonprofit organization can seem like a daunting task when considering all that is involved. Between the forms, frustration and legal lingo, the whole process can be extremely overwhelming. To help with this, weve created a 3 STEP checklist for you to use when forming your organization:1. Approve Your Articles of Incorporation2. Apply For An EIN3a. Tax-Exempt Status: Create Bylaws3b. Tax-Exempt Status: Create a Board3c. Tax-Exempt Status: IRS Tax ExemptionIf you followed step one, congratulations - you have already completed number one on the checklist. The next thing to complete will be an EIN. STEP 2: Apply For...

Best Advice from 13 Impactful Leaders

02/14/2020 12:34am
Mentoring advice is extremely valuable, even for experienced leaders. It can be a lighthouse, guiding you away from rocky shoals and onto a clearer course. At the end of every Work Alchemy podcast interview, I ask the highly impactful leaders that I interview to share one piece of advice with the audience, leaders like you who want to have more impact. This is a rarified group, curated for their knowledge, influence, and impact, so theyre worth listening to. Pull up a chair and listen to their advice: 1. Marianne Williamson ...

Discovering The Benefits Of Healthy Eating

01/23/2020 11:17pm
Are you eating healthy foods ? If yes, then how do you classify healthy foods from those that are not? Well, we may find the food that we eat daily healthy but we cannot be that sure about it. As always, many would say that the food we eat has something to do with how long are we going to live this life on earth? Since our digestive system is responsible for distributing the nutrients throughout our body, it is important that whatever we put in our mouth should be beneficial to our bodys overall well-being.You...

Is Data a Commodity? Maybe Not, but It Is an Asset

01/06/2020 08:33pm
The late American author Kurt Vonnegut once wrote, New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become. Written in the 20th century, it has been put in practice by 21st century businesses. As the Internet has grown, the amount of companies expanded, and the amount of data that those companies collect has grown exponentially, especially now that there is a market for such data.Today, many of the largest and most lucrative companies in the world, Google, Apple, ATT, Amazon, Verizon, Facebook and Microsoft are all, more than manufacturers of...

Knowing, and Planning For, Your Organization’s Compliance Burden

01/06/2020 08:33pm
Despite what detractors say, regulations are in place for good reason. They typically protect individuals from organizational malfeasance. Many of these regulations are actual laws passed by a governing body and cover the entire spectrum of the issue, not just the data involved. The ones that have data protection regulations written into them mostly deal with the handling and protection of sensitive information. For organizations that work in industries covered by these regulations there are very visible costs that go into compliance. Today, we look at the costs incurred by these organizations as a result of these regulations, and how to...

How to practice golf in the winter

12/23/2019 10:55pm
Playing the game of golf is an interesting way to get some light amount of exercise and build your social circle. It challenges you on courses with varied terrains and helps you discipline yourself as well. The challenge is more intense during winter when everything is put on limits because of the adverse weather conditions. But its hard for you to stay away from the game, isnt it?So, in this article, well discuss how you can keep mastering your favorite game in winter. Playing Golf in Different Circumstances In this sport, different courses situated in different regions are known to...

Stop Impact Vampires From Sucking You and Your Business Dry

12/21/2019 01:46am
Impact vampires - sounds a little ghoulish, right? Its worth getting a little nervous about impact vampires, because they can draw valuable energy and resources out of your business, and prevent you from having the impact that you could have. An impact vampire is anyone who interferes with the impact you have with your business. Im talking about the negative naysayer on your team, the one for whom there are no solutions, only problems. The mentor who doesnt believe in your impact intentions enough to guide you in that direction. The investor who only wants to reap profits, and step...

Bouncing Back from Rejection

12/06/2019 12:46am
Rejection can hurt. My client recently pitched her business to a group of investors, and she was turned down. She was understandably disappointed. She wanted to use that money to grow her business, and saw immediate opportunities she wanted to jump on. As we debriefed after that experience, we talked about the necessity of bouncing back, of not allowing rejection to derail you. You can waste a great deal of time that way. It makes it harder for you to come back and pitch again, in whatever form that takes, whether its to a group of investors or to...

Impact Helps You Say No Effectively

11/07/2019 11:01pm
Saying no can be really difficult, especially for women. Women are trained to be agreeable, and culturally, the pressure is still heavy to just get along. Plus, were wired for cooperation. So saying no can feel downright wrong, even as a leader. Women are by no means the only ones who have trouble saying no. Men sometimes do too. Saying no may disappoint someone, or upset one of your colleagues who has a strongly held view. Why is saying no so important? Every No gives you room to say Yes! to something important. Something that adds to the impact...

1 Out of 100: Forbes’ List is Just the Symptom

10/04/2019 10:02am
Forbes Magazine recently published a list of the 100 Most Innovative Leaders. One out of 100 was a woman. And none was a woman of color. Seriously? In these times (or any time), for a list like this to appear in a reputable business magazine is, in my view, downright deplorable. They had the grace to admit this is wrong, but how did this list ever get published? Forbes list is just the symptom. Real change is called for on a systemic level at the magazine and beyond. I'm glad that female CEOs stepped right into it...

The Best Strategy Results in the Best Tactics

09/26/2019 10:11pm
In a recent blog post, Seth Godin wrote, Get the strategy right and youll have an easier time with the tactics. I couldnt agree more. Impact-focused strategy sets you up for success at every level. Ive seen over and over again with my clients the benefits of developing an impact-focused strategy that is then infused in every aspect of the business during implementation. When youve got a big Impact Purpose, its easy to get caught up in the excitement of making a contribution. So you skip past strategy and go right to tactics. But then youre...

Impact is a Way of Life, Not Just Business

08/02/2019 08:48am
As a founder, for you to be the most fulfilled and most successful, your business has to be in alignment with you. With your values, and out of your values, with your intended impact. Holding business as separate from life makes it just an activity, and not a very good one. Where you and your business really flourish is in the zone of coherence with your desired impact. Impact as a way of life means that you have awareness of the importance of how you show up, not just in dramatic gestures or big events. Its awareness of how...

How to Use Wikipedia to grow your business

07/30/2019 10:04am
Wikipedia pages are a part of a companys online presence that often flies under the radar. While its not allowed for all companies, there are many advantages to having a Wikipedia presence, and many business owners are surprised to learn that it can also be beneficial for SEO.While it still has its critics, Wikipedias reputation for credibility has improved over time. Aside from the companys own website, Wikipedia is the logical place to look up information on a business or business leader, and of course information from a third-party source is more credible than from the companys own mouth. While anyone...

Agni Miami's Secret To Meditation

07/01/2019 03:01pm
Let's dive into our secret of meditation, where we will reveal, the best forms of meditation. By the end of this article, not only will you know our secret, but you will be able to apply our secret. You, the reader, will be able to manifest a world where peace and love flourish. Styles of Meditation: When it comes to meditation, many people have different opinions as to how they go about it. Some people prefer to meditate alone, and other's look at meditation as an attitude where you self-reflect with the help of others. Wherever you fit...

To Be a Strong Leader, Know Your Limits

06/07/2019 01:11am
We spend a lot of time in our culture emphasizing possibility and lack of limits. You can do it! Everything is possible! In a sense, that is true, as the field of possibility does allow for much to unfold. However, our relentless focus on lack of limits doesnt allow for us to know when the way is not clear, when the way closes behind you. Knowing your strengths is tremendously helpful. You can focus on them and develop them further. Knowing your limitations can also be a great strength, if you also embrace them. My own limitations include a...