Pitchrate Expert | Shahar Ziv

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Shahar Ziv

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance, Education, Personal Finance


Acing Your Financs

User Type:

I teach millennials how to ace their personal finances.

I’m passionate about guiding people on the path to financial freedom. As the co-founder of a popular personal finance class at Harvard, I’ve educated hundreds of undergraduates about financial wellness. I have also had the privilege of working with students at Harvard Law School, Columbia Business School, Columbia Graduate School of Arts and Science, and Hunter College.

As a contributing writer for Forbes and The Huffington Post I share financial advice with millions of readers. I’ve also been featured in The Boston Globe as well as Fortune/Poets & Quants and the Harvard Gazette.

In 2011, I was invited by Sally Donahue, Harvard’s Director of Financial Aid, to present my research on financial sophistication at COFHE’s annual retreat. Attendance included financial aid officers from every 35 elite institutions. I've also spoken at the U.S. Conference of Mayors (2015): Asset Building for Low and Moderate Income Families, the Paythink Conference (2015): How Can Banks Develop Prepaid Offerings Based On Consumer Payment Trends?, and at the Houston League of Women Voters (2015): The Cycle of Debt and the Dilemma of Short-Term Lending

I am a proud alumnus of Cornell and Harvard Business School, a slightly less proud airline/hotel point junkie as well as a Kilimanjaro summiter, Cornell hockey fanatic and Taco Bell and behavioral econ aficionado.


personal finance, financial literacy, Harvard, financial wellness, millennials, Columbia, Forbes

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