Pitchrate Publicist | Somto Okeke

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Somto Okeke

Category of Expertise:

Authors, Business & Finance, Business Performance, Design, Education, Personal/Business Coaching



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“Somto Okeke Charles” the founder & president of Speaker’s den and Nigeria Campus Talent Hunt as a passion coach who is a student of life, whose area of discipline is Mass Communication. He has served as a leader in different life empowerment organizations, such as Awards Group as a project coordinator for a regular program known as the HRBPT (Human Resource Business Professional Training) with the privilege to speak at Stanbic Ibtc Bank, Abeokuta, and was involved in a project that hosted Jimi Tewe and other renowned speaker at an academic conference 2013 with over 2000 student known as ” Raising Undergraduate Business Executives”. One of his passion is to help people “put God first,plan their day,and live up to their potentials.” He inspires and guides undergraduates in enterprise creation.

Somto Okeke Charles is a vibrant and innovative young entrepreneur whose strong abilities include concept, career and strategy development.and A member of All American Speakers Bureau Flowing from his deep seated passion to see young passionate youth see their drive in future and also see business grow in Nigeria and other country, he hosted the”ULTIMATE TALENT CREW”(UTC) conference in conjunction with “OPPORTUNITY WATCH MAGAZINE ” in 2013.The conference had over 100 students as well as lecturers,entrepreneurs,guest speakers in attendance. And as a keynote speaker at the MALE LEADERSHIP FORUM (MLF) in Abeokuta metropolitan confine with great entrepreneurs ranging from 500 participant and above


conference, business, passion, speaker, content writing, marketing

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4th Avenue, A close, Plot 1557, Festac Town Lagos



Laos State



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