Pitchrate Expert | Dimic Robertson

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Dimic Robertson

Category of Expertise:

Business Performance, Hot New Products, Medical/Health professional, Mental Health/Psychology, Public Relations


customInsured LLC

User Type:

We created Health Insurance 2.0 to assist human resource and administrative personnel combat the increasing obligations of managing their group health plan. Over the last few years, support for billing and claims has faded out from the aftermath of losses within the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA). The time and resources dedicated to company health plans are in the billions of dollars and increasing from year to year.
We provide solutions through a secured employee portal that can be managed by an administrator. This portal provides educational material, relevant documents, and access to a Medical Billing Specialist (MBS) proficient in medical billing and coding, addressing a quick resolve in a fraction of the time (smartphone app-enabled). This frees up time for the administrator and provides white-glove support for all employees starting day 1!
We are Health Insurance 2.0!


medical coding, balanced billing, HR, human resources, group health plans, CustomInsured, Health Insurance 2.0, employer benefits, employee benefits

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