Pitchrate | Make delicious and healthy meals at home

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Lillian Brummet

Lillian & Dave Brummet have been professional writers since 1999 starting as staff, freelance & assignment writers, and later - writing both product & book reviews, before branching into the world of books in 2004. As members of the media, these two produced & hosted the Conscious Discussions Tal...

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02/18/2021 01:09pm
Make delicious and healthy meals at home

Eating healthy is not always the easiest with the temptation of fast easy food all around us. Sourcing your food from either your own backyard garden or a farmer’s market is the best, freshest way to ensure your food is full of nutrients and flavour. The next step of turning it into something inviting and appetizing is offered on every page of “From One Small Garden”. With over 300 recipes developed over a span of 30 years of research and development this book brings it all to the table in a pleasantly delicious way.

Award-winning authors Dave and Lillian Brummet began experimenting with recipes and compiling them into this book in the early '90's while living in the Okanagan area. Over the next 3 decades the manuscript traveled with them to the Boundary region where they resided for 12 years, and then on to their permanent home in the Kootenays. All through these travels, the Brummets re-tested the recipes, perfecting them for this collection.

The couple experimented with a vegetarian diet for a few years, went vegan for a short time, and finally settled down to a more balanced diet that included some animal protein with a huge array of fruits, grains, vegetables, wholesome breads and healthy desserts. Together they have managed a rural mountaintop spa (building and maintaining 3 acres of vegetable gardens) where they hosted larger hand drumming events that always include snacks or meals at break time –helping to perfect the recipes in this book.

This collection of recipes is the ultimate guide to utilizing fresh fruits and vegetables from backyard gardens to farmer’s markets

Loaded with interesting tidbits of historical and nutritional information, this book is more than just a recipe book - it is a way of treating yourself to the healthy, delicious rewards of the freshest, purest source of food we can draw from.

Website: BrummetMedia.ca

Order your copy now at Amazon to start enjoying fresh food in a deliciously, nutritiously new and exciting way.


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