My name is Brittany Lesperance and I am the head of public relations for AndroidMeter ( I am looking for any technology products to review on our website, AndroidMeter. AndroidMeter is dedicated to bringing readers the latest and greatest in technology news with the goal of informing the public about new announcements, products, and updates. Most of our readers are young adults interested in technology.
Our website has 437 posts with an average of 1,022 monthly unique page views. Our YouTube account has 20 videos with 9,292 total video views. We currently have 163 Facebook likes and 33 Twitter followers. Some companies we have worked with include Truckers America and TheNextGamer.
We know that our readers would love to hear about any of your products. I invite you to visit our website and let me know if you are interested in forming a working relationship.
Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Brittany Lesperance
Head of Public Relations for AndroidMeter Looking for products to review for
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