We are now accepting items for review. We are a New England Family and are seeking cold weather and/or winter items. Also interested in indoor activities that are fun, to pass the long, cold winter days!
Sleds, saucers, boots, hats, coats, snow suits, shovels, heaters, games, snow ball makers and so much more! Our interests are not limited to items "designated" as winter- PITCH ME- and let's work together to promote your products!
We have 2 adults (Mom & Dad), boys 14 and 11 and a girl 7 (8 in Feb). We have LOTS of friends who are visiting often and we love hosting get togethers!!
Your item(s) will be reviewed by us, and are ours to keep. We do not charge a "fee" to review OR promote your products! We also LOVE to host giveaways and our readers LOVE them too! We promote locally, through the blog and several social media outlets!
E-mail me today and have your products reviewed as early as next week!! We are now accepting cold weather and winter items for review & promotion!
review, winter, cold, toys, clothing, shovels, snow forts, boots, hats, gloves, mittens, promotion
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