Pitchrate | Inheriting a House What to expect

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Inheriting a House: What to expect


Print - Daily

Request Date:

10/17/2014 08:48am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

10/20/2014 01:00pm

Category of Expertise:

Real Estate/Mortgage
I am a reporter for a nationally syndicated real estate section published weekly in newspapers across the country. I’m looking to interview real estate agents, brokers, lenders, insurance experts, property attorneys and other housing experts for the following article with a very tight deadline turnaround of noon central, Monday, Oct. 20 or sooner (I give preference to first responders).

STORY: INHERITING A HOUSE: WHAT TO EXPECT AND HOW TO PLAN FOR WHEN YOU'RE THE BENEFICIARY OF REAL ESTATE UPON SOMEONE'S DEATH. This article would investigate the steps that will happen with the legal transfer of a property to an inheritor, including probate and taxes, and how to plan for flipping an inherited home. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to for this story. Please e-mail me back your interest, availability and phone number. My deadline is noon central time, Monday, Oct. 20.


1. What should beneficiaries of a late person’s real estate expect in the days and weeks following the death? What is the process that will happen (e.g., probate, execution of the will, etc.)?

2. How complicated and lengthy can this process be, and what kind of patience and cooperation is required by a beneficiary?

3. What options does a beneficiary have when it comes to what to do with an inherited home? Can/should they flip it, and within what time frame can they legally do so?

4. What kinds of real estate inheritance taxes can beneficiaries expect to pay?

5. Should beneficiaries expect a longer than average time on the market for an inherited property they want to sell, especially if the loved one died in the property?

6. Are there any particular circumstances where it is better to retain/live in the inherited home than to try to sell it?

7. What can/should beneficiaries do prior to and after the death to ensure a smoother transition of inherited real estate? Are there any special preparations they can make?

8. Any other thoughts, tips, suggestions on this topic that I failed to ask about?

9. What is your full name, title, company, and location where you are based?


size, cambria, serifquot, font, family, 0pt, estate, real, inherited, beneficiaries, property, home, beneficiary, death

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