Pitchrate | Seeking Tween or Teen Girl Gift Guide Review Submissions

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Seeking Tween or Teen Girl Gift Guide Review Submissions


Emily Reviews

Request Date:

04/16/2015 05:25am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

04/30/2015 05:24am

Category of Expertise:

My name is Emily and I own Emily Reviews -www.emilyreviews.com. My kid-sister is turning 12 soon and I am looking to highlight some items that make nice gifts for tween or younger teenage girls. I know many people struggle with finding affordable gift ideas for kids in this age range. My plan is to feature items through blog posts that are similar to reviews, except I will be just highlighting hte item as a gift idea instead of doing a true review because I won't have hested the item(s). Particular areas of interest include arts/craft kits, larger girls department clothing or smaller juniors clothing, jewelry or clothing accessories, bedroom decor items, etc.
I get an average of 53,600 pageaviews and 26,700 unique visitors each month. I'll be promoting each blog post on my Twitter (14500 followers), Facebook (11800 fans) and Pinterest (8100 followers).
Thanks for your time!


preteen, tween, teenagers, teen girls, tween girls, preteen girls, gift guide, product review, product reviews, gift guides, blogger reviews, giveaway, promotion

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