Pitchrate | AUTO INSURANCE Collision Repairs

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AUTO INSURANCE: Collision Repairs


ValuePenguin (www.valuepenguin.com)

Request Date:

05/19/2015 12:38pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

05/26/2015 01:00pm

Category of Expertise:

I am a writer with ValuePenguin (www.valuepenguin.com), a site that provides consumers with helpful articles and information on financial topics. I’m looking to interview auto insurance professionals, drivers, attorneys and other experts for the following article:

COLLISION REPAIRS: WHAT TO EXPECT FROM YOUR AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY FOLLOWING A CAR ACCIDENT. This story will explore what to consider auto insurance wise after a car accident, how/when repairs will be made and by who, costs involved, and more. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central time, Tuesday, May 26, 2015.

1. (This first question is only for drivers who have been involved in an accident for which an auto insurer paid the damages). What are the details of the accident (when, make/model/year of your vehicle, any injuries, extent of damages to cars/property, who was at fault)? What were the total costs to repair your vehicle? What did you have to pay out of pocket (deductible, etc.)? What did you learn from this experience regarding auto insurance? What would you recommend to others when it comes to having adequate auto insurance to cover car damages? What is your full name, and city/state location?
2. (The rest of the questions are for insurance experts and attorneys): Why is having adequate collision coverage important? Please provide a real world or hypothetical scenario that underscores how this can be a problem without adequate coverage.
3. What should drivers consider regarding collision repair coverage with their insurer? What minimum collision/comprehensive/liability coverage and deductible limits would you recommend, why, and for what types of drivers and vehicles?
4. What typically happens after a driver is involved in a collision? How/when/to what extent does insurance get involved? Which insurer pays for what, depending on which driver is at fault? When is the vehicle inspected/assessed, and by who?
5. Under what circumstances is it best to file a collision repair claim with your insurer, and when is it best to not file a claim and pay for the repair entirely yourself? Please provide example(s).
6. Who gets to decide which company will repair your vehicle? Are there any advantages to choosing the repair company recommended by your insurer?
7. When is it best to choose your own repair company, and how do you recommend finding/choosing this company? Is it wise to get at least a few quotes from a few different repair shops? How can this be done if your car is inoperable due to damage?
8. Are there any tips you can give that can lower the cost of your repairs in any way? Assuming the repair costs exceed your deductible, is there any incentive for the driver to look for a lower-cost repair estimate?
9. Whomever you choose, what is a reasonable time frame in which you can expect the vehicle's repairs to be completed? What is unreasonable?
10. Do you recommend opting for car rental coverage so that you have a vehicle to drive while your primary auto is being repaired? What does this typically cost? Why is it worth it, and what kinds of limits/benefits/rental car plans do you recommend here?
11. Can drivers expect their premiums to increase after they file a claim--even if they weren't at fault in the accident? By how much, typically?
12. Are there any circumstances under which an insurer can non-renew or drop your coverage after it pays out your claim? What are your options if this occurs?
13. Do you have any statistics that illustrate/underscore this topic (related to collision coverage/repairs and auto insurance) that you can share (please cite the sources)?
14. Any other thoughts or ideas on this topic you’d like to offer?
15. What is your full name, title, degrees/credentials, company, city/state location, and email address?


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