Pitchrate | Real Estate Bigger is Back

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Real Estate: Bigger is Back


Nationally Syndicated Real Estate Newspaper

Request Date:

06/02/2015 11:35am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

06/08/2015 01:00pm

Category of Expertise:

Real Estate/Mortgage
I am a reporter for a nationally syndicated real estate section published weekly in newspapers across the country. I’m looking to interview realtors/agents, mortgage professionals, landlords and other housing experts for the following article:

STORY: BIGGER" IS BACK: WHY MORE AMERICANS TODAY YEARN FOR BIGGER HOMES THAN THEIR CURRENT ABODES. Trulia found that 43 percent of more than 2,000 online survey respondents want "somewhat" or "much" bigger homes than their current residences (more details at: tinyurl.com/pjoteon). Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central time, Monday, June 8, 2015.

1. What did you find interesting/unexpected about this survey’s results, especially pertaining to consumers yearning for bigger homes? Were you surprised by these findings?
2. To what can you attribute this desire for bigger homes from more Americans? What’s driving this desire?
3. Is this an unrealistic desire for many, especially those who can’t afford a larger home, or is this a fair/logical/reasonable expectation/desire on their parts/
4. How do you suggest home shoppers should correctly size their next home? Why should and how can shoppers choose the best size home for their needs?
5. Any other thoughts, tips or suggestions on this topic?
6. What is your full name, title, company, city/state location, and email address?


size, 0pt, bigger, home, homes, desire, email, estate

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