Pitchrate | Homeowners Insurance Lightning Strikes

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Homeowners Insurance & Lightning Strikes


ValuePenguin (www.valuepenguin.com)

Request Date:

08/20/2015 11:31am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

08/26/2015 01:00pm

Category of Expertise:

I am a writer with ValuePenguin (www.valuepenguin.com), a site that provides consumers with helpful articles and information on financial topics. I’m looking to interview homeowners insurance professionals, policy holders, attorneys and other sources for the following article:

HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE AND LIGHTNING STRIKES. This story will explore what is covered, how to safeguard your home from a lightning strike, what to consider before filing a claim, incidence and current statistics, and more. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central time, Wednesday, August 26, 2015.

1. (This first question is only for homeowners insurance policyholders who have suffered a lightning strike and had to file a claim with their insurer): Please describe the lightning strike incidence – when and where did it happen in your home, what was the extent of the damage, and what was the size in dollars of your claim? Did your insurance company resolve the matter satisfactorily? What tips can you provide readers as to how to minimize their lightning strike risk and ensure that they have adequate coverage in place? What is your full name and city/state of residence?
2. (The rest of the questions are for insurance or legal experts): how serious of a risk is a lightning strike to a home? Can you give a real world or hypothetical example of how damaging and expensive this type of event can be, and if/how it can be challenging to resolve with a homeowners insurance company?
3. Is some level of coverage for lightning strikes included in homeowners insurance policies? Typically to what extent/coverage amount? Are there any exclusions related to lightning strikes that readers need to know about?
4. Do you recommend that homeowners consider increasing their coverage limits to protect them against a very expensive claim related to a lightning strike? What coverage amounts do you suggest here?
5. Do you have any data or recent statistics that indicate how common lightning strikes to homes and how common lightning strike -related claims are? Any data on how expensive these claims are? Any other relevant data you want to share here (please cite the source of each data).
6. What can homeowners do to reduce the risk of lightning hitting their home – do they need to install special equipment of any kind? Also, what can they do to minimize the risk of lightning damaging important components inside the home – for example, is a whole house surge suppressor or other type of specialty electrical equipment needed? What does this cost?
7. What should homeowners consider carefully before filing a claim with their insurer? Any tips here?
8. Any other thoughts or ideas on this topic you’d like to offer?
9. What is your full name, title, degrees/credentials, company, city/state location, and email address?


size, sans, arial, serif, 0pt, font, family, lightning, homeowners, insurance, strike, claim, coverage, strikes, valuepenguin, home, risk, data, related, expensive, company, questions, email, full

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