Pitchrate | Gifts for him

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Gifts for him



Request Date:

11/05/2015 01:11pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

11/30/2015 12:58pm

Category of Expertise:

My name is Jacki Bilon, and I am the owner and one of the content creators of a popular beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog called Makeupateers. I am putting together my annual holiday gift guide and would love to include items from brands you are currently working with. I am specifically looking for gifts for him. These can be anything from cologne, shaving kits, small electronics, sports memorabilia, etc.

What's in it for you?
* A photo of the product when it is received and shared on all social media outlets, notifying my followers of an upcoming review.
*A complete product review, which includes company information, product information, specs, and why I believe this item would be a perfect gift. I will use original photos of the product and post it to my blog, then share it with my readers and fans on social media, which currently has a reach of over 7200.
I plan on having the Holiday Gift Guide live by November 30th and will share the guide through January 5th.Thank you for your consideration and your time. I look forward to hearing from you!


gifts for him, cologne, small electronics, shaving kits, sports, his, men, clothing

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