Is your business giving back to your local community in some way? Tell me your story. If it's a good fit, we'd like to feature you in our new project focused on showing the kind side of business and inspiring business owners to get involved. We're interested in anything from small gestures like baking cookies for a local school to throwing a major event.
We'd love for you to send photos relevant to the action, event, projects, community that your story is about, and one of you and your business. Ideally, we'd like permission to edit photos creating graphics for social media, adding quotes, creating collages, etc. Please let us know if we can not use your photos in this way.
Looking forward to your help building an inspirational community of business leaders.
Email with your story. The sooner the better. :)
social, community, business, small business, leaders, startups, change, good, entrepreneurs, local, smbiz,
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