Pitchrate | Product Reviews Available from Reputable Firm

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Product Reviews Available from Reputable Firm



Request Date:

03/29/2016 02:16pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

04/12/2016 02:13pm

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance
Now offering complete product review services package!

Our company has over 20 years combined product review and endorsement experience. Put our marketing & advertising expertise to work for your company! Your Product Review Services include the following:

*Customized Product Review highlighting the best things about your product/service.
*Product Review Distribution: the review will be pulished and distributed across the web.
*Website Feature: Your company name will be added to our client resume with permanent link- back to your website.
*Social Media Marketing: Your product review will be featured across our company Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus Accounts.

*You will be required to submit your product to us for thorough review. You will be provided with instructions upon completion of your order request. Your product will not be returned. All orders will be processed within 24 hours. Your services will be completed within 2 weeks of receiving your product.

Click HERE to take advantage of this great service! Our company is one of the top Celebrity Gifting and Product Placement companies in the industry. We've placed products in film and on tv, as well as serviced high profile events such as the Miss America Pageant, CMA's, Grammy's, and NFL Draft Classic.


celebrity gifting, product placement, product review,

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