Pitchrate | Big Dog Love- in a world of purse-sized dogs, tell us why you love your big dogs

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Big Dog Love- in a world of purse-sized dogs, tell us why you love your big dogs!


Sniff & Barkens

Request Date:

05/15/2016 11:08am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

05/21/2016 11:00am

Category of Expertise:

Animals & Pets
Tired of the little dogs getting all the attention? Let's show some love for big dogs! I need photos of big dogs and a short description of how and why the big breeds (or mixes) are the right choice for you. How does a big dog nurture your soul like no tiny yappy dog could? Experts: Are some types of people more prone to choose big dogs over small ones? This is for a video story on why big dogs still rule. Thank you.


big dogs, large dog breeds, love for big dogs, dog experts, dog behavior, large dogs, living with dogs

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