Pitchrate | The Content Wrangler thecontentwrangler.com visit tinyurl.com/tcwejm for an example of the articles I write for them . I am seeking to interview computer scientists, computer historians, and computer science professors/academicians for the following story topic I m prepared to write TAKING A BY

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The Content Wrangler (thecontentwrangler.com; visit tinyurl.com/tcwejm for an example of the articles I write for them). I am seeking to interview computer scientists, computer historians, and computer science professors/academicians for the following story topic I’m prepared to write: TAKING A BY


The Content Wrangler

Request Date:

05/16/2016 01:52pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

05/19/2016 01:00pm

Category of Expertise:

Hello. My name is Erik Martin and I am a freelance writer for The Content Wrangler (thecontentwrangler.com; visit tinyurl.com/tcwejm for an example of the articles I write for them). I am seeking to interview computer scientists, computer historians, and computer science professors/academicians for the following story topic I’m prepared to write:

TAKING A BYTE OUT OF HISTORY: THE RELEVANCE AND RESOURCES OF THE COMPUTER HISTORY MUSEUM. This article will explore the importance, relevance, and value of and history behind The Computer History Museum (details at computerhistory.org) and why it’s worth visiting. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to for this story. I can either do a phone interview or an email interview (whereby you send me written answers to my questions below that I can use as quotes in my story, which is often easier; written responses should be thorough and detailed, please). My deadline is noon central, Thursday, May 19. Please e-mail me back your interest and phone availability or your indication that you plan to email me typed up answers to these questions:

1. Why does the world need The Computer History Museum? Who can benefit from visiting and researching at the museum?
2. Have you ever personally visited the Computer History Museum? Why was that a memorable/worthwhile experience for you?
3. Based on what the museum showcases/provides, what do you admire about this organization?
4. Are there any comparable museums/organizations elsewhere in the U.S. or abroad?
5. Any other thoughts on this topic you’d like to add?
6. What is your full name, title, company, and city/state location where you are based?


computer scientists, computer historians

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