Hi, My name is Sheldon Chi. I am responsible for coordinating stories for the 1Mby1M blog [1mby1m.com]. The Entrepreneur Journeys (EJ) series is our flagship series and we’re looking for interesting companies with at least $5 million in annual revenue to feature in lengthy feature stories. We are interested in interviewing the entrepreneur who can and is willing to discuss, at length, the nuances of the strategy and process of company building, spanning topics such as bootstrapping, financing, positioning, customer acquisition, channels, team building, etc. To pitch, please provide revenue level, industry (Our interests: E-Commerce, Cloud Computing, SaaS, Mobile, Social, Big Data, IoT, FinTech, Digital Media, Gaming, Healthcare IT, Online Education, etc.) and focus of the story angle in terms of company-building experience. We use the revenue level as a qualification criterion for selecting entrepreneurs to profile. We don’t necessarily have to publish this number in the actual story. The Entrepreneur Journeys series has already produced 12 books (http://tinyurl.com/4p4phwy). You can see examples of the series on our blog (http://tinyurl.com/d8m9mt). This blog is part of the One Million by One Million global initiative, whose aim is to help a million entrepreneurs reach $1 million in annual revenue. We also use the EJ interviews as case studies to teach other entrepreneurs how to navigate the entrepreneurial waters. You get publicity, as well as a platform to share your lessons from the trenches with a large number of aspiring and practicing entrepreneurs. 1M/1M has syndication relationships with many venues: HBR, Xconomy, SmallBizTrends, EconomicTimes (India), Women 2.0, Mashable, Huffington Post, Business Insider, ReadWriteWeb, and several other sites. Articles we develop through these interviews often get repackaged for the syndication partners. The 1Mby1M blog was named by Forbes in the Top 100 Blog for Entrepreneurs (http://onforb.es/1a6RkOs). The procedure is to have a one-hour interview by phone or in-person in Menlo Park, at our office. We will provide the dial-in for phone interviews, and the address for the in-person interviews. We publish a very long, detailed 5- to 10-part interview, so the discussion needs to be in-depth.
When you send in your pitch, please be sure to include the revenue level, as it is the primary criterion we use to select stories. Unlike other entrepreneurship media, we do not look for financing as a criterion for determining story worthiness. Also, if your revenue threshold is below the $5M level currently, you are welcome to email me, and I will check if your story might fit in any of our other series. To give you a flavor, here are some of our other ongoing series: The 1M/1M Deal Radar: Revenue between $1M and $5M, high growth rate. We typically do email interviews for this series. Thought Leader Interviews: We also have Thought Leader Series opportunities in Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Mobile and Social, Big Data, Outsourcing, Online Education, e-commerce, Gaming, Online Fashion, HealthcareIT, Internet Of Things, etc. These require, however, that the company has a minimum of $5M in revenue.
technology, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, online education, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur journeys, healthcare it
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