Hello. My name is Erik Martin and I am a freelance writer for EContent Magazine (www.econtentmag.com). I’m seeking to interview you or another expert you can recommend on the following topic:
LABELING LOCKED DIGITAL CONTENT: WHY THE EFF IS PUTTING HEAT ON THE FTC AND WHY PUBLISHERS SHOULD PAY ATTENTION. Recently, the Electronic Frontier Foundation — along with a coalition of publishers, consumer advocates, and other interested parties — have written to the Federal Trade Commission asking it to require that “locked” digital content be labeled accordingly, insisting that consumers have a right to know what they're buying (details at https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/08/drm-you-have-right-know-what-youre-buying). This story would explore why the EFF is taking up this initiative, explore what they hope to accomplish, and suggest why digital publishers/content providers should pay attention and how they might be affected. My deadline to complete an interview is noon central,
Thursday, Aug. 25. Please e-mail me back your interest and
1. Where do you stand on the issue of whether or not “locked” digital content be labeled accordingly so that consumers know what they’re buying? Do you agree or disagree with the EFF’s stance and its efforts to pressure the FTC?2. What’s at stake here and who is affected? Why should digital publishersand electronic content providers care about this issue?3. What do you recommend that digital publishers/e-content providers do when it comes to publishing DRM vs. non-DRM content as well as choosing content distribution platforms that offer either option (e.g., Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, etc.)?4. What do you recommend that consumers do to get involved in this issue?5. Any other thoughts or comments you want to add?6. What is your full name, title, company, and city/state location where you are based?
digital content, electronic content
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