Hello. My name is Erik Martin and I am a reporter for a nationally syndicated real estate section published weekly in newspapers across the country (see current examples at gmnews.com/?s=%22by+erik+j.+martin%22). I’m looking to interview realtors/agents, home sellers, and other housing experts for the following article: 6 SUREFIRE STAGING TECHNIQUES FOR A FASTER SALE. This article will share 6 ways to stage your home for sale quickly and economically in order to sell faster and command a higher sales price. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central,Wednesday, Aug. 24.
QUESTIONS:1. (QUESTION #1 IS FOR HOME SELLERS): What did you do to stage your home for sale quickly and economically so that you could sell it faster? Whose advice did you follow? What was the result—did the home sell quicker than you expected and/or for a higher sales price? What did you learn from this experience? What related tips can you provide to other renters who are also seeking to get out of their lease early to purchase a home? What’s your name, age, and city/state location?2. (NEXT QUESTIONS ARE FOR PROFESSIONALS) Why should sellers think about effectively staging their home for a quicker sale and higher sales price, and what should they consider carefully here?3. Should the goal be less time on the market, a higher sales price, or both? Is it realistic to expect both?4. Please provide at least 3 (preferably 6) detailed tips on how they can/should stage their home for a quicker sale/higher sales price.5. What should “plan B” be if one or more of these staging efforts do not work?6. Any other thoughts, tips or suggestions on this topic?7. What is your full name, title, company, city/state location, and email address?
realtors/agents, home sellers, housing experts
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