Hello. My name is Erik Martin and I am a reporter for a nationally syndicated real estate section published weekly in newspapers across the country (see current examples atgmnews.com/?s=%22by+erik+j.+martin%22). I’m looking to interview realtors/agents, mortgage/lending professionals, buyers/sellers, and other housing experts for the following article:
THE ELECTION’S IMPACT ON HOUSING – HOW THE REAL ESTATE MARKET MAY BE AFFECTED BY WHO VOTERS CHOOSE FOR THEIR NEXT PRESIDENT. This article would explore the possible ways real estate, housing, interest rates and mortgages may be affected by election -related news, and how a Clinton administration or Trump administration may change policies and/or rates that can affect buyers, sellers and homeowners. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central,Monday, Sept. 12.
QUESTIONS:1. In general, how can housing/real estate, interest rates, and mortgages be affected or influenced during a presidential election year like 2016—especially the months right before the November election? What election factors can affect real estate/rates/mortgages?2. Can you point to any previous presidential election years/months, historically, as precedents, for how housing/real estate/rates/mortgages can be affected?3. So far, how have housing/real estate, interest rates, and mortgages been affected in any way in 2016 due to the upcoming presidential election that you can point to?4. How can a Clinton administration, if she were to win, affect/change policies and/or rates that can affect buyers, sellers and homeowners?5. How can a Trump administration, if she were to win, affect/change policies and/or rates that can affect buyers, sellers and homeowners?6. What is your prediction—how will housing/real estate, rates, and/or mortgages change or be affected after the November election and into 2017, due to the election?7. Any other thoughts, tips or suggestions on this topic? 8. What is your full name, title, company, city/state location, and email address?
real estate, housing, interest rates, mortgages, homeowners
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