Pitchrate | PC Build series

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PC Build series



Request Date:

09/08/2016 08:15pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

10/15/2016 12:00am

Category of Expertise:

To Whom it may concern,
Hello my name is Chad host of YouTube channel Monger Ops. I am looking to start a new PC Build series for this channel. I am looking for sponsor this series.
I have a growing audiance and I'm looking to expand the channel and focus on some new PC Builds. for this I need sponsore to help supply funding or products to be used for this build series.

I plan to have the first episorde released the secound week in Oct 2016 give that I can secure most of the items if not all by that given time. This is intended to be a basic guide to help the beginner start there own build; with plans to move into more advanced videos in the future.

Channel Stats.
Subs : 800( growing daily)
Month Views : 4208
Months Watch Time : 9,686min


PC, Build, Custom PC, How To,Tech

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