Pitchrate | Seeking brain-boosting toys, games, books and apps

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Seeking brain-boosting toys, games, books and apps

Request Date:

11/02/2016 02:25pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

11/30/2016 03:00pm

Category of Expertise:

One-on-one brain training company LearningRx (www.LearningRx.com) is seeking brain-boosting toys, games, books and apps for its newest website: www.LearningRxReviews.com.
You can see some examples of the items we've already reviewed to get an idea of what we're looking for.
If you have a product, please email Tanya@LearningRx.com and put "ATTN: Tanya - Item available for review" in the subject line.
1. We only do positive reviews (so if we don't like your product for some reason, we won't write a negative review).
2. We don't review "memory pills" or other similar products.
3. Direct questions to Tanya@LearningRx.com.

Thank you!


toys, games, books, apps, parenting, education, health, kids, babies, brain

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