Hello. My name is Erik Martin and I am a reporter for a nationally syndicated real estate section published weekly in newspapers across the country (see current examples at gmnews.com/?s=%22by+erik+j.+martin%22). I’m looking to interview realtors/agents, investors, lenders, and other housing experts for the following article: STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR CREDIT SCORE AND GET A BETTER DEAL ON HOME FINANCING. This article will delve into why it's important to boost your credit score to qualify for more preferred mortgage interest rates and loan terms and suggest tips from experts on how to improve your credit score and repair your credit. Below is a list of questions I’m seeking answers to. I can either conduct a phone or email interview (with the latter, please email me back full-sentence written responses that I can use as quotes). My deadline is noon central, Wednesday, November 30.
QUESTIONS:1. What is your “credit score”, how is the score achieved, why is it important to know your credit score, and how can you see/access it?2. Why is it important to improve your credit score? How can your credit score affect your ability to qualify for favorable home financing interest rates and secure a mortgage or home equity loan?3. What tips do you recommend to improve your credit score and repair your credit? Please provide details.4. How far in advance should consumers be looking at/trying to improve their credit score before applying for mortgage/home equity loan financing?5. What else can/should consumers be doing to improve their ability to get a lower rate and a more favorable mortgage/home equity loan? Any tips here?6. Any other thoughts, tips or suggestions on this topic?7. What is your full name, title, company, city/state location, and email address?
realtors/agents, investors, lenders
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