Pitchrate | Black Women In Business A Girl s Guide to Business, Career, Goals, Life Family

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Black Women In Business: A Girl's Guide to Business, Career, Goals, Life & Family


Identity Management

Request Date:

05/15/2017 10:52pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

08/01/2017 12:00pm

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance
Can you contribute a chapter to a new book? Seeking 50 African-Amerian Women in Business co-authors for new book, A Girl’s Guide to Business, Career, Goals, Life & Family. Topics will include: Speaking with authorityNegotiating your worth at workAssertiveness vs. aggressivenessBuilding authentic, “unmasked” relationshipsEmbracing the feminine selfBreaking stereotypes (the angry black woman)How to level the playing fieldBreaking the concrete ceiling without a hammerThe collective power of black womenHow to position yourself in the political arenaStanding strong for your valuesStrategies for powerful female leadershipUnderstanding male-female dynamics and communication stylesBringing enlightened males onto the pro-female teamThe importance of mentoring young womenHow to build self-confidence and self-worthThe power of collaboration and team work Guidelines to boardroom gender inclusion Overcoming gossip and 'crab in the barrel' syndromeTraveling internationally and embracing cultural differencesAnd more!Are you ready to contribute to this powerful book? Contact identity management, LLC at melanie@identity-mgmt.com before May 26th.


african american, authors, books, writers, business women, entrepreneurs

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