Pitchrate | Eco Friendly Products for Review

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Eco Friendly Products for Review

Request Date:

06/07/2017 08:38am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

06/30/2018 08:30am

Category of Expertise:

All Things Green
Hello, My name is Lakota and I write for the site Emily Reviews (www.emilyreviews.com). I am passionate about going green and having more eco friendly options within my home. I will post a review blog post about your product in exchange for being sent product. I'm open to any aspect of the home that can be more green, kitchenware, home decor, outside life, gardening, pet products, personal care products, or food products, so feel free to reach out!

We average 73,500 pageviews and 32,000 unique visitors each month on our site. All of our blog posts get promoted across our Twitter (21,542+ followers), Facebook (12,130+ fans), Google Plus (2500+ followers), and Pinterest (12,444+ followers).

If you'd like to view my media kit just let me know. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have.

Thanks in advance for your time,


eco, gardening, green, eco friendly, natural, organic, healthy, health conscious, environmentally friendly, biodegradable, sustainable, clean, earth day, kids, family,

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