Pitchrate | Writers How did you get find your first freelance writing job

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Writers! How did you get find your first freelance writing job?



Request Date:

11/08/2017 12:13pm

Deadline (Eastern Time):

11/14/2017 12:06pm

Category of Expertise:

We're working on a round-up post of how freelance writers of various stripes (content marketers, journalists, bloggers, creative writers, etc) found their first writing job. Our audience is primarily moms so bonus points if you are one but it's not required for this article.

How did you find your first freelance writing job?
Would you do anything differently if you were to do it again?
What tips would you give to a writer who wants to start freelance writing?
If there were any influential books or advice that helped you on your path, we'd love to hear.

Please include your full name, what type of writing you do, and link to your website (optional)


Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners, Entry Level Writing Jobs, Writing Jobs from Home

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