Pitchrate | Army Wife Talk Radio - part of the Army Wife Network is seeking guests for our internet podcast - www.ArmyWifeNetwork.com

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Army Wife Talk Radio - part of the Army Wife Network is seeking guests for our internet podcast - www.ArmyWifeNetwork.com

Request Date:

01/08/2018 12:26am

Deadline (Eastern Time):

03/01/2018 05:00pm

Category of Expertise:

Do you have something you'd like to share with our listeners? Are you an author, expert, or guru in a field of interest to military spouses? We are searching for guests for Spring 2018. Please note: If your topic is not relative to a positive, empowering, military SPOUSE radio show please don't submit your information.
We have approximately 12,000 downloads per podcast. Our audience is primarily Army/ military wives (women) ages 25-40. We are not interested in political or religious discussion. We love our soldiers but anything particularly soldier or male military related doesn't go over well. The audience enjoys parenting, education, career/entrepreneurship, finance, self-improvement, entertaining (funny), celebrity, etc. related topics. Think things that you see on the TODAY show for an example.
Specifically, we're filling our Main Guest time slot. The main guest segment is conducted shortly after 8:00 PM Eastern Time on Monday nights. It's about 30 minutes on the air: you call in at 8:15 PM, get patched in at 8:30 when we reach your segment and talk for approx. 30 minutes, with a short commerical break in-between. Slots are given on a first confirmed, first reserved basis.
Please send the following information to awtrguest@armywifenetwork.com--
Book Title (if applicable):
Affiliation with the Military (if applicable):
Your suggested topic:
Applicability to Military Spouses:
Any other pertinent information:


Army wife, military spouse, family, relationships, radio guest, military, comedy, celebrity, education, parenting, finance, self-improvement, entertaining, military family, career, entrepreneurship

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