InTouch Rugby is compiling a special featuring on Male Grooming. The rugby fraternity are very very well dressed and take care of their appearance. Bearded or clean-shaved our guide will include the latest and best products and innovations which will have those cheeks and eyebrows, hair and skin in tip top condition and protected for all occasions! We welcome all submissions! The deadline for submissions is Sept 20th. The feature will appear on the front page and each week we will feature individual products on the home page and send to all our social connections currently 680K+ social media connections incl 55250K+ on linkedin. All items submitted will be used in the feature. We will focus on Male Grooming focusing on all aspects we will put products and services in front of our readers looking at tried and tested to innovative new products! With over 35,000 readers per week and 680000+ social media connections our audience are social, fashionable and sporty. Covering the English Premiership, France Top 14 and Pro14 & American ML Pro Rugby League & With a major focus on Grassroots rugby clubs and schools our feature will be designed to engage with these readers and fill that particular niche of just what are the best Male Grooming products out there.
Male, Grooming
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