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Jen Gutfriend

Jen Gutfriend,The progressive livestock producer's profitability coach, works with progressive livestock producers who struggle with low profitability and lack of time. She helps them reduce costs, increase revenue, all while having more time to do what they enjoy! Get her free video lesson, "L...

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Livestock Management Solutions

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03/22/2014 01:34am
Free Money!

Free money, I bet that headline got your attention! Who wouldn't want to take advantage offree money when it is available? Unfortunately there is money out there available to farmers that many just don't take advantage of. This is really a shame because the more free money to can get to do upgrades and help out around the farm the more money in your pocket at the end of the year!

I am Canadian so I will speak of programs out there available for Canadian producers, if you know of programs available in other countries please leave a comment so I can share with your fellow producers.

In Canada we have a program called Growing Forward 2. This program has been around for years but unfortunately many producers still don't know about some of the benefits of this program. The program opens for applications right away so make sure to get your paperwork filled out soon. Many of these programs fill up fast and we don't want to miss out. The programs are also different from province to province so make sure to see what is available to you.

The one program I think is of big value, and again these programs are variable by province is the Business Development programs. In these programs the government pays roughly 75% up to a max fee for you to take training, or work with a consultant to improve your business management skills. This includes learning on such things as marketing, business strategy and financial management. If you are wanting to make your farm more profitable make sure to take advantage of this grant.

Another program I know of in AB is to help upgrade your cattle handling equipment. I believe this is available in other provinces as well. In AB you can receive funding to purchase a new squeeze with neck extender as well as another program to purchase a scale and tag reader. This is part of a food safety program to help with proper injection and dosage of medications to animals and ties in with the Verified Beef Program (VBP). Wouldn't it be great to update your facilities at a fraction of the costs?

I think this program is phenomenal because as I have spoken of before you can save a lot of money by properly dosing animals when doing treatments and vaccinations. This leads to huge savings in money and better health for your animals!

There is also funding available to help protect our water sources. Funding covers things such as fencing materials to build barriers around water sources and solar and portable water systems to allow use of fences water systems. We all know that animals drinking out of dug outs and streams is not the best options but find the cost to fence and change water systems can be expensive. This is also not as healthy for the animals as it can increase your rate of foot rot and when water is disturbed it is not as clean and fresh for the animals along with some other issues.

If you have been thinking about doing any improvements on your farm make sure to check into the programs and see if there is money available. Most of the information is on the above website but sometimes it can be hard to navigate. If you have any questions, contact your provincial ag office. They will have someone available to help answer your questions. As another reminder these programs fill up fast so make sure you get your application in right away!

Jen Gutfriend,The progressive livestock producer's profitability coach, works with progressive livestock producers who struggle with low profitability and lack of time. She helps them reduce costs, increase revenue, all while having more time to do what they enjoy! Get her free video lesson, "Learn the one biggest change you can make on your farm to increase profitability" at www.livestockmanagementsolutions.com


Livestock Management Solutions, Jen Gutfriend, Profitability, Grants, program, programs, available, money, animals, water, sure, producers, farm, profitability, systems, increase, advantage, funding, free, province, business, don
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