04/30/2015 01:40pm
A Non-Diet Approach to a Healthy Breakfast

Many chronic dieters start each day with a renewed sense of hope that “today is the day I am going to stick to my diet”. Breakfast then becomes the natural starting point for any diet, meal plan, healthy eating vow, etc. Now, I’m all for starting each day with a positive outlook, but sometimes, in regards to our diet, we aim for perfection and it backfires. For example, when someone starts a new diet they often times put a ton of energy into prepping and planning their meals. They may even wake up early to make sure they have time for the perfect breakfast. As time passes they may begin to put off food prep and start hitting the snooze button a few times and before you know it they’re back to a refined grab ‘n go breakfast, the drive through or worse yet- skipping breakfast all together.
A Real Life Example of How Simple a Healthy Breakfast Can Be:
Recently while helping a client plan some meals I pulled out my [imaginary] magic wand and asked her “If you could eat whatever you wanted for breakfast without worrying about your weight, something that would keep you sustained through the morning and that you like to eat, what would that be?” She reported back that her favorite breakfast is eggs, whole grain toast with real butter and coffee with cream. She also went on to say that this breakfast is easy for her to prepare, she likes it, and she feels satisfied through the morning when she eats this. Despite this, she was a bit shocked when I said “okay, we’ll start your breakfast meal plan with eggs, toast and coffee”. She felt that she needed to avoid carbs and up her protein and veggies at breakfast to lose weight. I did convince her to add in some fruit if she needed it but she really had already found a breakfast that was going to work for her. As I’m sure you’ve heard me say before, permanent results are about consistency not perfection.
I’d like to share some practical breakfast tips that will hopefully help you break the yo-yo diet cycle and shift your focus to feeling good and fueling your body with foods you love. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day I find it fitting that I devote an entire series of blog posts to the topic. Here is what you have to look forward too:
A Non-Diet Approach to a Healthy and Easy Breakfast
Part 2- Creating a Balanced Breakfast: If your breakfast only consists of 1 or 2 food groups then you are likely missing out on balanced nutrition. Stay tuned for a step-by-step guide to creating a balanced breakfast plus some sample non-diet menus.
Part 3- Back-up Breakfast Options: Let’s face it, we are all bound to have “one of those days” where we are lucky to make it out the door alive. That doesn’t mean your breakfast has to be sacrificed. I’ve got some great tips to keep your breakfast on track even when you are not.
Part 4- What to do if You’re Just Not a Breakfast Person: I see it all the time. Many people just don’t have an appetite in the morning. I don’t support pushing ourselves to eat when we aren’t hungry but I do have some tips on how to get your hunger going in the morning so you can fuel your body right.
Part 5- Super Smoothie Recipes: I love a good smoothie in the morning. It is a great mix of nutrition, hydration and convenience.
weight loss, nutrition, dietitian, nutritionist, healthy breakfast, non-diet, mindful eating, intuitive eating, easy breakfast, breakfast, diet, morning, day, part, tips, balanced, meal, start, healthy
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