10/11/2015 10:01pm
Do You Have Just One Minute A Day?
Few things are more comforting than knowing that someone else has been there before, has experienced what you've experienced, and can give you that beam of hope that light truly is right around the corner. In celebration of International Peace Day, I thought it was a good time to talk about how we can bring peace and love into our businesses by modeling ourselves after people we admire.
If we can all help someone get over that hump -- you know, the one right before a major breakthrough, when it's so tempting to give up -- the dividends it will pay to society will prove immense.
Recently, in my own business, I was starting to feel uninspired. It left a bitter taste in my mouth to think about the lack of collaboration, celebration, and inspiration from the so-called "gurus" and the ones who have "made it." For instance, in a recent request to interview a top podcaster, I was told that it was "largely a man's world," and that I was "going to be in trouble" if I took issue with his intro, which catered exclusively to men.
At this moment, I thought -- for a lack of better words -- "What the hell, man? What kind of example are you setting for future podcasters?" If we can't be socially responsible when achieving influence and recognition, then it's not going to just be me that will "be in trouble."
Luckily, one of the most genuine and business-savvy marketers I know crossed my path: Ryan Lee, the creator of the Freedym Show, and the founder of the Freedym Fest and the Freedym Academy. I feel so full of gratitude to have had the chance to attend the Freedym Fest, which was two days of heart-centered entrepreneurs and marketers giving nothing but value -- just in quick, 20-minute presentations! Condensed, actionable value: it was amazing.

But it wasn't just the delivery of condensed value that made the Freedym Fest so special: it was the entire atmosphere. The speakers -- big names in the industry like Jonathan Fields, Nick Unsworth, Ryan Levesque, and Kevin Rogers, just to name a few -- all stayed and listened to the other presentations, even from lesser-known entrepreneurs.
They didn't imbue it with a cheap-feeling sense of "celebrity," or only talk about how glamorous their life is as if it was the sole result of a single action. as so often happens with this type of conference; instead, they humanized the event, interacting with attendees and exchanging serious value.
The Freedym Fest -- along with business gurus like Ryan Lee and thought leaders like
Jonathan Fields -- filled me with renewed hope and inspiration to continue creating a business around helping others find their tribe and monetize their passions. The real message is that we all need to be that person who inspires others, gives them hope, and supports them in their journey to materialize the life they're dreaming of.
After the Freedym Fest, I attended a post-event webinar hosted by Mary Agnes Antonopoulos, known for her high level social media strategies. In it, she talked about how posting just a one-minute video every day can expand your reach exponentially. When she talked about this, I felt a light bulb turn on in my head.
No, it wasn't the tip in and of itself that was this "a-ha!" moment for me -- but rather, how powerful it could be in the bigger picture, especially as I reflected on how profound the effects of a 20-minute keynote presentation can be.
I'll admit it: I'm not the best at posting videos, nevermind every day! It's usually because my perfectionism gets in the way; I think too much about it and before I know it, I'm overwhelmed before I've even gotten started. When Mary shared that tip, I thought, "Yes! Even I can handle a one-minute video clip each day." That very next day, I posted my first tip called "
Engagement is In, Exclusivity is Out," from a recent article I had published.
After I posted that first tip, it got me thinking how powerful it could be if others join me in posting one-minute videos, sharing tips that help improve others' businesses and lives.
Forget call-to-actions or even promoting your business if that's something that is stopping you: just think about the reach, the changes, and the value that one minute a day can give to others. One might be surprised to find out just how valuable your knowledge and experiences can be when shared with others.
Now, I'm not talking about earth-shattering expert advice here: in fact, you don't even have to be an "expert" at all! But if you're, say, an editor, you can share tips on how to get published in major forums, or what media outlets are looking for. Maybe you're a rockstar when it comes to gluten-free cooking, and you can share tips on meal preparation or quick recipes.
It doesn't matter if it's been said before, or if you think it's "common knowledge": everyone learns from different people, and your unique voice could be the one that makes a difference for somebody else.
Whether you're an entrepreneur, mother, father, sister, friend -- or many of the above -- I invite you join myself and my
What Vibes Your Tribe community for the next 30 days in posting a daily, one-minute video to my Facebook page, sharing a tip that can help improve the businesses or lives of others. Make sure you use the hashtag #TribeVibes.
And if you're not already a member of my free mastermind Facebook group
What Vibes Your Tribe, we would love to have you join us. Together, we can help each other -- in the words of Marie Forleo -- to "create a life and business we love".