Pitchrate | Empowering Biracial Children

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Cherrye Vasquez

Author Bio Cherrye Vasquez is a public school administrator and an adjunct professor. She is a Doctorate of Philosophy in Curriculum & Instruction; a Master of Education in Special Education; and a Bachelor of Arts in Speech Pathology/Audiology. Vasquez specializes in Multi-cultural education an...

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Books That Sow: Strength, Character & Diversity

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05/17/2011 06:10am
Empowering Biracial Children

Let me share with you another reason why I’ve written No Tildes on Tuesday. Approximately five years ago, I was engaged in, what I thought at first, was a friendly conversation with a group of ladies at my place of employment. As mothers, we often talked back and forth about daily activities that our children were involved in. We did this often to amuse ourselves, or so I thought, and generally ended with much laughter among the group.

When I ended my “story for the day” on the subject of my daughter’s latest activity, one of the ladies turned and said, “Well, she’s going to have psychological problems anyway.” I looked at her and asked, “What?” She went on to say, “She’s biracial, and all biracial children end up with psychological problems.”

This woman was the first person who ever said anything like that to me. What she uttered never crossed my mind before. Why? Because my daughter is a charming, well-rounded, beautiful biracial girl who excels academically and she is one very fine pianist. She has friends of all races and heritages and she loves people.

Well, I can tell you this, I have heard about and read of stories where biracial children and adults have alleged that they encountered problems because they were biracial, but I truly hadn’t spent anytime at all pondering over this subject where my child is concerned.

I suppose this topic didn’t affect me as a parent because I have ensured that I’ve done my part in balancing out my child’s life to include knowledge of both heritages. I believe that issues, good or bad, have to do with parenting and environmental situations in totality.

Because I happen to be the mother of a biracial child, I felt that if there are those that declare because a child is biracial they will automatically have psychological problems, I needed to set my writing in motion.

Although I have wanted to write children’s books for some time now, that moment set the precedent for me doing business as, Books That Sow: Strength Character & Diversity. I needed to get books written and published that would build character, self-worth and empowerment in children. For me as an aspiring author, that moment “was the straw that broke the camels back.” I felt that if there are those out there that truly believe statements such as the one made by the woman in my office, and if there are children out there that truly have identity issues, I need to begin writing books to sanction power in children, all children.

In No Tildes on Tuesday, the main character, Isabella, does begin this series shying away from one of her heritages, but the chain of events that she encounters takes full circle when Isabella comes to terms with who she really is.

I have also included a worksheet at the back of my book. I wish for children of all races and heritages to utilize this worksheet to begin dialoguing about similarities and differences one to another.

To add, I am writing a sequel to No Tildes on Tuesday. This second book is immersed with Isabella totally accepting both of her heritages and now heartily dedicated to her identity to the point of wanting to teach others about growing and learning about heritages, all heritages.

I hope to title my sequel, Dedicated Identity/Dedicado Identidad, but the title will be determined later. Hopefully, the sequel will be released nationwide in June, 2012.

When time permits, please read my book. I would be so very appreciative if you did.


Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D.
(713) 628-2908


biracial, multicultural, heritages, empowerment
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