What are the most valuable marketing skills?
Why should readers believe your answer? – Back it up with a case study with results, survey data, etc. First-party information (ie work your company did, how you made a hiring decision, research your company did, etc.) is preferable to third-party data (ie something you found online or read about, etc.)
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Here are recent articles to give you an example of what the final published article will look like:
https://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/case-study/customer-first-marketing-case-studies-social-media-badges-quiz-based-ads-B2B-ecommercehttps://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/case-study/attract-new-customers-increase-engagement-case-studies-brands-TikTok-influencer-marketing-email-deliverability-blog-posts-attention-saleshttps://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/case-study/case-study-examples-4-parts-marketingA few things I do to make the experience better for sources:
- I respond to every pitch to let you know I got it
- If you are included in the article, I will send you a link once it is published
- If you have a question, I will answer it
Here is a testimonial from a previous article source to show you the value of getting featured on MarketingSherpa (there is no charge, we are simply looking for the best marketing examples for our readers):
“Love it Daniel. Thank you for featuring me and my client. I super appreciate it and it’s helping our website rankings.”– Robert Portillo, Founder, Nimbus Marketing Group Please remember to back up your answer with qualitative or quantitative data, a specific example of what you look for when you hire, what has helped your career, etc.